You know when he's jealous - all

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Harry: His eyes will darken as he clenches his fists at his side. You'll watch as he cracks his neck before he stalks toward you and whatever unlucky bastard tried to pick you up. He'll stand beside you for a few minutes, just listening to the guy try and fail at taking you home before he intervenes. There's always a threat involved before he pulls you away to a private spot to press his lips to yours and remind you of who'll be taking you home.

Liam: His face blanks completely. He'll start being overtly nice to the man trying to hit on you before he makes it painfully obvious you're taken. He's never apologetic about groping you in a dark club if it means keeping the men at bay.

Niall: His jaw will clench as he watches you talk with another guy at the club. He'll chug the rest of his beer before slamming it on the table as your eyes meet his. He glares at the other guy as he pulls you away without a word. He's always silent before pulling you against him with a harsh kiss.

Louis: He'll start to sigh really loud, and when that doesn't work he just flat out removes you from the situation.

Zayn: He gives you the glare until you notice him. He's very subtle about it, but that look gets you to remove yourself from the situation fast. 

One Direction Imagines And Preferences Book 4Where stories live. Discover now