Flight delay - zayn

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Zayn: "You've got to be kidding me," you groan as you look up at the list of departing flights. "Excuse me," you begin, getting the attention of the man at the kiosk. "Are there any other options for flights to Detroit? I have to be there for a show that starts in 11 hours." The man looks through his computer and of course comes up with nothing. "I'm sorry but that's the only flight we have going to Detroit but as you can see no one is going anywhere for a while, that storm is here to stay." His explanation only caused frustration. "Of course. On the one day I need to be there." "What show if you don't mind me asking?" "My boyfriend. He's playing in Ann Arbor at Michigan Stadium and I really wanted to be there. It's the largest stadium in the States." "Well hopefully it will clear up soon." "Yeah." You walk away from the desk slowly, defeated, not knowing what to do. With the way the storm looked there was no way you were going to make it over in time to see Zayn's show. You had to call him. You find an empty seat in the Detroit terminal and pull your phone out from your back pocket. After a few rings he finally picks up. "Hey babe," he answers, disappointment in his voice. "Shouldn't you be on your flight?" "That's why I'm calling." "Oh." His tone was heartbreaking. "There is a huge storm happening right now and all of the flights have been delayed until it passes." Silence falls over the line. "I'm so sorry babe. I really wanted to be there but I can't control the weather." "Yeah I know, but I really wanted you to be here for this one." "I know you did and trust me it kills me that I am going to miss it. As soon as this clears though I will find a flight to Chicago for the next show alright?" "Okay," he says, still disappointed. "I love you," you say hopelessly. You felt so powerless and hated how much this was hurting Zayn. "I love you too." "I will see you tomorrow hopefully." "Yeah, hopefully." You sigh and end the call, your heart breaking as you return to the kiosk to exchange your destination. 

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