Long distance - niall

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Niall: "So how was night two?" He asks, his arm immediately wrapping around your shoulder as the two of you walk to the awaiting car to go back to the hotel. "Even better than night one," you respond with a smile, looking up to him, your hand intertwined with the one resting on your shoulder. You were new to this life, Niall's life. The two of you had been talking for a solid two months only making your relationship official a few weeks ago. Through this time he hadn't stopped traveling so when the time came around for him to make a stop in Toronto for two days you were elated. You had been around him in London before the tour had started. You were visiting family and he had stopped into the pub your uncle owned, thus your first meeting. He had left for South America the very next morning, and from then until he returned to Europe you had heard nothing from him. But the outcome of receiving his text two months ago had been great. You were here now, under his arm, having spent the last day and a half with him. You nuzzle into him once the two of you were seated in the back of the SUV. Niall on his phone to thank the fans for a great two nights and you not wanting this moment to end. He takes your hand once the car stops, leading you into the lobby of the hotel you had stayed the night in. As soon as you get back to the room, he begins to get his things together. Oh. That's right. He had to leave. He had to be in New York tomorrow. You couldn't go to New York. He hadn't even invited you; the perks of a new relationship. He was leaving you in Canada to tour America and you couldn't even wrap your head around what that meant. You didn't want to. You wanted him to stay. How selfish of you. This was his life and you had just now entered into it. You had no idea how this worked, but you would soon find out. A knock at the door comes reminding Niall that he only had a few more minutes to get his things together. You had significantly less to pack so you were sitting on the bed, still watching him wander around the room, gathering what belonged to him. "Ready?" He asks, putting a Brooklyn Nets snapback on before pulling his bag onto his shoulder. You nod, getting up from the bed and grabbing your bag from the floor. He takes your hand once again as the two of you make your way down to the lobby. The car he had hired to take you back home was out front while the one taking him to the airport was in the parking garage under the hotel. You turn to him once you reach the car door, the driver taking your bag. "I'll call you when I land," he tells you, his arms wrapping around your waist. You nod, your emotions starting to creep up your throat. "I can't wait to come back here after tour," he continues, pulling you into him. After tour? October was a long ways away. You hadn't even noticed the fans gathering around you, they were quiet, allowing you to have this moment. Your face falls into his chest as your eyes begin to tear up. You didn't want him to go. He had just gotten here and now he was leaving. He picks your face up, making you look at him in the eyes. "I'll be back to see you soon," he promises, pressing a small kiss to your lips. You cry into his lips and he pulls you in tighter. "It gets easier," he states. How could watching him leave get easier? Was this how your life was going to be now? Constant tears as he leaves you behind to travel the world? You pushed back those thoughts. If Niall said it got easier you would stick by his word and wait this out, no matter how painful the beginning would be.

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