First date - louis

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Louis:  "Just go out with him," your best friend had said. "No!" you told her. You weren't one for blind dates, especially ones set up by her. They had been disasters in the past and so you thought this one would be no different. Yet here you stand in front of the full length mirror getting ready to go out on the date she had been begging you to go on. She had told you nothing about the guy you were meeting for dinner, which caught you off guard since she usually never stopped gushing at how perfect they were for you  (though they never were). You roll your eyes at your thoughts as you fluff your hair in the mirror, making sure every strand was in its place. You hated blind dates but you hated looking bad even more, so everything had to be perfect. You walk over to your jewelry box and pull out your favorite pair of diamond studs before making one last check in front of the mirror. 'Leaving now this better be good' you text your friend as you walk out the door and climb into your car. You spend the time as you drive thinking about all of the horrible possibilities that this blind date has. Pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant causes your nerves to begin. You were never one to get butterflies, but first dates always seemed to get that reaction from you. As you walk into the foyer of the restaurant you are greeted by the hostess. "I'm meeting someone here," you tell her with a nervous smile as she shows you over to an empty section of the restaurant. You follow her wondering where she was leading you to. She couldn't have possibly known who you were meeting, could she? As you pass all the empty booths, you turn the corner to see even more empty booths ahead of you; except one. There is a guy sitting by himself at the very end of the empty rows. He is facing away from you so you were going to have to wait a little longer for your first impression. The hostess holds her hand out, showing you that this was obviously your date. You inch closer to the table and he turns around. You immediately stop as you gaze upon the face of Louis Tomlinson...THE Louis Tomlinson. He smiles at your reaction and you let out a chuckle, finally realizing why your friend hadn't given you any details on him. He stands up to kiss your cheek as you walk the rest of the way to the table. You're in complete shock as you lean in to his embrace and take your seat. "It's very nice to finally meet you (y/n), I've heard a lot about you," he says with a smile. "That's funny, because I've heard nothing about you, but now I know why," you answer shaking your head, still in amazement at what your friend had done to you. Setting you up with terrible guys was one thing, but setting you up with a member of a world famous boy band was a bit over the top for her and nothing you had expected. "Well where would you like me to start," he says with an encouraging smile. "You can start by telling me how you know (y/f/n)," you ask still very confused at how she had pulled this over. To your knowledge she was only a fan of his band. "Family friend, we use to hang out all the time until she moved over here," he explains taking a look at the drink menu. "That little bitch," you say under your breath. "You would think that knowing someone like you, personally, would have come up in one of our conversations or something," you say as you meet the gaze of his deep blue eyes for the first time. You were completely mesmerized, so mesmerized in fact that you stumbled on your drink order causing the waitress to ask you to repeat yourself several times. The two of you continue through dinner and getting to know each other very well, laughing the entire time. "You want to get out of here?" he asks putting his napkin on the table and pushing his plate away. You smile and nod as and he reaches for his wallet. He throws a $100 on the table and stands up, reaching for your hand. You chuckle, shaking your head, and take his hand. He leads you out the door and to his Porsche. He casually walks over to the passenger side door and opens it for you, gesturing you inside. "I guess chivalry isn't dead," you say climbing in the car. "Never," he says with a wink before shutting the door. With no idea of where your next destination is, Louis drives around, while making sure to hold your hand tightly in his as he cruises the streets. You drive around for an hour, talking about your lives, and getting to know one another even more. As he pulls back into the parking lot of the restaurant to take you back to your car you have an immediate feeling of sadness. You absolutely don't want this night to end and in only a matter of minutes it was going to. He pulls beside your car and throws his in park. "This was amazing, truly amazing," he says with a smile as he kisses your hand that is still tightly intertwined with his. "Yes, it was," you say smiling back trying not to blush. He takes his other hand and reaches into his back pocket and hands you his phone. "You want to put your number in there for me so I can call you tomorrow?" he asks. You take the phone and put your actual information into his phone, much like you hadn't done with all of the other dates you'd been on. He watches you and smiles, giving the hand he was still holding another kiss as you hand him back his phone. "I guess I better go, I'm sure you've got somewhere very important to be," you say almost laughing. You open the door to get out, but as you turn to head out, he gently pulls you back inside. He pulls you within inches of him as he stares straight into your eyes, nearly taking your breath away.  He places his free hand on your neck and pulls you in the rest of the way to his lips, kissing you as the butterflies you had been experiencing all night long exploded. The two of you pull back with smiles on your faces. He gives you one final wink and a kiss on the hand before you make your way over to your car. As he pulls away, you sit in silence, with a simple smile on your face, thinking about the unbelievable date you had just been on, hoping and praying he will call .

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