First date - niall

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Niall: You're leading Niall Horan down the street towards your apartment after an awkward first date. Your leather boots click up the steps of your apartment building, and your turn at the front door. You tug on the hem of your cream jumper, reaching up to run your fingers through your hair as he scuffs his toes against the concrete below you. You open your mouth to say something but think twice, pulling your lip between your teeth when he looks up at you. You glance around awkwardly before turning, unlocking the door and hurry inside without saying a word. In the scheme of first dates, anything that could've gone wrong did go wrong. Not to mention, neither one of you hardly said anything the whole time and you ended up watching other couples on considerably less awkward dates. You shut your apartment door behind you and slide down to the floor. Leaning your head back against the locked door, you close your eyes and pray. Maybe, you actually didn't have that much in common as Eleanor had thought. You sit stationary for several long minutes, over analyzing every aspect of the disaster date before sighing. He won't be texting you again. Tears fill your eyes, not for that fact but the fact that you've ruined another first date. You're just not good at first dates, they make your nervous and you aren't sure how to act which usually results in awkwardness. There's a knock at your front door and wiping the tears away, you stand to open the door. Shock is written on your face as you see Niall on the other side. "That was awful, just god awful" he tells you and you hold back the tears. "I should've been more attentive but just coming back from tour is tiring so I'm sorry. Can we, would you like to try this again?" he asks and you're still shocked. "I, don't think you can redo first dates" you tell him and he smiles while holding up a bag of food. "Wanna bet? It's still our first date day so it's possible" he tells you, sliding past you when you grant him entryway to your humble apartment and suddenly, you aren't so nervous for a redo.

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