Story of your life - z

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Zayn: What time is it? What is that noise? No really, what time is it? Your eyes strain to open as the noise continues. The room is dimly lit by the light coming from the nightstand. Your phone was ringing. You reach over towards the nightstand, turning on the lamp so the light from the screen wouldn't be so harsh. You pick your phone up, Zayn's name on the screen. "Hello?" You answer sleepily. "Hey, babe, you alright?" You hear. Does he know what time it is? "Fine," you reply, trying to wake yourself up enough to hold a conversation. "How has your day been?" "It was alright." Sleep was fighting hard, and winning. "Everything okay?" He asks, your short answers confusing him. "Zayn?" "Yeah?" "What time is it where you are?" He pauses to check the time on his phone. "Eleven." "Okay. If it's eleven where you are..." "Shit!" He says, catching onto what you were trying to explain. "Babe, I'm so sorry," he apologizes. "It's alright." "I just miss you. I guess I forgot about the time difference." The two of you had only started dating a few months back, the whole figuring out a proper time to call you was new to him. "I miss you too," you reply, meaning every word. "I wish you were here with me." You smile, you wanted to be with him, but you would much rather have him be back home, rather than across the ocean. He wouldn't be coming home for so long, these phone calls were all you had right now. "I wish you were here," you counter, hearing him chuckle on the other line. "We have to go out with the group when you get back," you tell him. You had introduced him to your group of friends from university and they had all gotten on really well. "They've been asking when we are going to go out again." "We will. I like them a lot." Silence consumes the line, as the two of you enjoy one another's company over the phone. "Can you hear that?" He asks, breaking the silence. "Hear what?" You question, not being able to hear anything but the hush between you. You hear him get up out of the bed he was laying in. "This," he says and you listen closely. As you concentrate on the sounds you were now hearing you make out a song being sung. "Little Things?" You question once he returns to the line. "Yeah, there's about twenty or so out there. They've been singing ever since we got back from the show." "Well I guess you have something to fall asleep to, I'm sure they wouldn't mind rocking you," you joke and he snickers. "I wouldn't mind if you did a few things," he counters cheekily. "Yeah, yeah." More silence comes, but neither of you rush to stop it. You were thinking about him, halfway across the world, in a hotel in the middle of the city. Wanting to be there beside him. Wanting to walk out that hotel door once the sun rose, his hand in yours, as you smile and wave to the fans that were trying to sing him to sleep.  "Zayn?" "Yeah?" "What are you thinking about?" You ask him, wanting to remove your thoughts. "I'm thinking about how I  won't be home for awhile. And about how I want you here with me. And that I won't be on my own in a few months' time, which is the only thing keeping me going right now." You hated that he thought he was on his own. You had tried your best to convince him that just because you couldn't fly to America with him he wouldn't be by himself. You were always only a phone call away. "What are you thinking about?" He asks, returning the question. "I'm thinking about how I wish I was there with you. To sing along with those girls outside. I'm also thinking about how excited I am that you are going to Nashville in a few days. Love that place and I can't wait to see what you bring me back," you laugh, your suggestion not so subtle. "Oh, I'm bringing you something back from Nashville?" He questions playfully. "You are?!?!" You respond, trying to sound shocked at his loving gesture. He laughs and you join him. "I could talk to you like this forever," he says and you hear the happiness in his voice. "I'd rather us talk like this forever in person," you remark, reminding him of the distance actually in between you. "Yeah. Yeah that sounds better." Your eyes begin to drift slowly as you settle back down into the bed. "Zayn," you begin softly. "Yeah, babe?" "I've got to go to sleep." "Oh yeah! Sorry. I didn't meant to wake you up. Go back to sleep." "Alright, text me in the morning, okay?" "I will," he promises. 

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