Fans see you with Lux - Liam

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Liam: "So... why aren't any of you playing?" you question, standing off on the sidelines with Liam for Louis' charity football match. "Well, for one, we suck compared to these guys and two, he didn't really ask us" Liam answers, tugging the zipper of your jacket up when you start to shiver. "It's cold" you chatter, leaning into his warm side and Liam chuckles. "This is nothing" he assures you because growing up in London meant he was mostly immune to the night chills but you weren't. "Whatever" you mumble, chuckling as Liam tugged your beanie over your ears. "Hi Lux" you coo softly when the little girl waddled over to the two of you, tugging on your jeans to garner your attention. "She's so freaking cute" you coo, nuzzling the little girls cheek as Liam starts making faces. "We should steal her" he says seriously, taking her from your arms to try and hide her in his jacket. "Can you see her?" he asks, jacket zipped up over Lux's giggling form. "Of course not" you tease, oblivious to the snapping photos and videos being recorded by the fans. "Where's Lux?" Tom asked, playing along with the joke when Liam started to toe away slowly. "No clue" you smile, shrugging while following Liam before breaking out into a run. "So since you guys are stealing her, you can change her diaper," Lou says with a cheeky smile, passing you the diaper bag before jetting off before you hand Lux over. Liam doesn't protest, just carries Lux through the tunnel towards the bathrooms before he turns to you. "Yeah yeah, I got it" you groan with a laugh, trudging into the bathroom to change the wet diaper. A few girls are in there and they watch you silently but you can tell, this is going to be all over the internet the minute they walk out.

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