Soundtrack Series - Midnight Memories - Strong - Louis

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Louis: You weren't expecting a call from him at this time in the day. You had gotten fairly used to the time between you, and by now he should be asleep. "Hey, babe, everything alright?" You ask as soon as you pick up the phone. "I don't know, you tell me," he counters. "What are you talking about? Everything is the same as it's been for the last month." "You want to tell me why you and Liam continue to keep tabs on me?" You hadn't realized that this would be the reaction you would get from him. "I am just checking in on you," you reply innocently. "Then why aren't you talking with me about it? Why aren't you asking me what is going on and how I am feeling?" You had been doing that but of course you were only taking what he had been telling you with about half acceptance, you knew Liam was always going to tell you everything that was going on. "I was just looking for more confirmation that everything was going alright," you tell him. You really weren't meaning any harm by any of this. You just wanted to make sure you got the whole story after everything he had told you he was going through. "So you don't trust me to tell you the truth about myself?" "No, I do trust you. Louis, I'm just trying to look out for you in the best way I can while I'm not there." Your tone was a pleading one now. The last thing you wanted to do was fight with him, not after everything you've been dealing with back home. He's the one that's been here for you. "I can't help that I miss you when you're gone. I can't help that I always want you here with me. I can't help that I love you so much. I'm sorry if that's such a burden on your life." "No, it isn't a burden at all. Louis, the last thing you are is a burden on my life. I love you so much and I only want what is best for you." "You know what's best for me, trusting me." At that he hangs up and you are left with a dead line. You put your phone down. You know there's no use in calling him back, he won't answer. You're going to have to wait this one out, and that may kill you. He's never been like this towards you before. Sure you haven't been together long so it was bound to happen, but surely not like this. All he wants is trust. It hadn't even crossed your mind that getting Liam to check in with you every now and then was breaking Louis's trust. You just wanted to know what everyone around him was seeing, what he was allowing them to see at least. You had hurt him. That's the last thing you ever wanted to do. He was so fragile, no matter how tough he pretended to be. His emotions were always running high, especially as of late, and the last person he ever expected to break him did just that. You begin to think about what you are going to say to him when he finally answers your call in the morning. You're going to let him sleep on it, you have no choice really. The timezone is going to prevent you from getting a word in until after he has fallen asleep to all of the horrible thoughts you have allowed into his head by doing this. You think about being angry with Liam but know that you can't. They're brothers, of course Liam is going to tell him the truth no matter what. You respect that of their relationship, and wish you could have the same. You thought you did have the same, or at least something similar, but you've broken that and you've broken Louis. You actually caused him to hang up on you. His final words replay over in your mind as you stare ahead across the dimly lit room. 'You know what's best for me, trusting me.'

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