First date - zayn

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Zayn: It had only been two days since the two of you had met each other. You were out with your girl friend for lunch, getting ready to pay the bill, when the waitress said it had been covered by the guy sitting at the bar. You had went up to him to thank him and when he turned around to meet your gaze you were stunned at who you were looking at. It was Zayn Malik and you were a huge fan. But you showed nothing but gratitude towards his kind gesture as you smiled and shook his hand. Your friend had stepped away to the restroom to give the two of you some introduction time, and by the time she had come back you and Zayn had exchanged numbers, with him promising to call you. When the phone call came you were almost just as surprised as when he had first turned around at the bar. He was on a little break from work, so when he called you in the late afternoon after your first encounter the two of you continued to talk through the night; not saying your goodbyes until a little past three in the morning. You learned so much about him thanks to that conversation and only wanted every night to be just as amazing as that one had been. He seemed rather impressed with you as well, continuously asking you questions about what you like as if he were reading off a check list. You were still so confused as to how and why you were in the situation. You had been in a rather lengthy phone conversation with a very famous member of a very famous boy band. You had pinched yourself many times while on the phone with him, just making that this was real life. The world stood still when he asked you that question: "Would you like to go out sometime?" He had said it in the most perfect voice, and you had no intentions of saying anything but 'yes' and thought of every possible way to say it. The smile on your face at that moment was one that had never been before. There was nothing you wanted more than to get a chance to be with him one on one and you were somehow getting your chance. Sooner than expected as well, when he had asked you if the next afternoon would be a good time for you, you lay in your bed stunned that he seemed to be just as ready for this as you were. You had told him that the next afternoon would work out fine for you; now here you are. You've got an hour before he said he would be outside of your apartment to pick you up. The mirror is showing you a blank canvas, practically begging to be dolled up. You go through the different make-up options you could use for this afternoon and once you narrow it down to two you have to result to your typical decision maker: eenie meenie miney moe. You go ahead with the selected make-up style and begin the job that is making yourself presentable for him. Once your foundation is where you want it, you switch over to your hair. To you this was the most important aspect of your look. You had decided on a simple loose curl with a pin against your part. A few burnt fingers later you stare in the mirror with a smile very satisfied with how your hair had turned out. Your eyes were next and you knew exactly what you wanted, half dark, half natural. You darken your lids and add two layers of mascara over your top lashes, but leave your bottom lashes bare to keep the natural look. So far the mirror is showing you everything you want to see as you turn your face from side to side looking for imperfections in your make-up job. You move on to the closet once you have been fully satisfied with your reflection. The halter, floral mini dress you had chosen to wear this morning is hanging from the closet door as if to say, "I'm ready when you are." You smile as you slip into it and place your white flats onto your feet. The full length mirror shows you what you've spent the last hour working so hard to achieve, and you're in love with it. You smile at your look and walk over to find the perfect perfume. Even though you know exactly what each of them smell like, you have to retest them all to see which one you think he is going to like the best. You're in mid –spray of the final option when the doorbell rings. Your head immediately turns to the direction of the door as a huge smile spreads across your face. It's time. 

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