She holds out her pinky for us to promise again.

"Rotxo asked me to go on a walk last night and I went, we were speaking and he just... kissed me! Out of nowhere" she says.

Me and Tsireya gasp then laugh.

Kiri looks confused.

"I saw you two last night Kiri!" I laugh.

"Oh my eywa" Kiri says and joins in with the laughing.

"After the first few weeks he started being nicer and he seems nice, I just don't think it's the same as me and Spider..." she trails off.

"A kiss confirms everything Kiri, when Lo'ak kissed me I knew I liked Neteyam" I say.

"Wait Lo'ak kissed you?!" Kiri says.

I laugh again "Come on lets go"

We head towards the beach and there is already a fire burning and crowds of na'vi teens dancing and having a good time.

We get drinks and mingle with people. I see Lo'ak and shove him. He laughs and says "Bro!"

Me and Tsireya are watching the groups of people talking, I see Neteyam over with Aonung and Rotxo and he hasn't noticed me yet.

"I got a good idea to set up Kiri and Rotxo!" I say to Tsireya.

"What is it?" she asks.

I smirk "Spin the bottle"

She laughs and nods.

We grab a washed up bottle and gradually more people join in. We make a circle and I place the bottle into the middle, Neteyam, Aonung, Rotxo, Lo'ak, Rowari, Kiri, Tsireya, me, Polkin and a few others join in. I suggest Aonung go first and he leans forward to spin the bottle, it spins and lands on Rotxo! We all laugh.

"Do i have to?!" Aonung moans. We all say yes and he walks up to Rotxo and pecks his lips. We all burst out laughing and they both start to spit and wipe their lips.

We've all had a few drinks and have loosened up a bit now.

Polken is up next and he spins it. It lands on a girl named Fritena and they kiss then sit back down. Next up is Rotxo. Me and Tsireya smirk at eachother. He spins it but it lands on Aonung. We all can not stop laughing at them!

"This is priceless" I cry in laughter.

They peck again and repeat the same wiping and spitting from their mouths.

Next is Tsireya and she spins it, which lands on Rowari.

Me and Kiri giggle to ourselves after what Tsireya told us this afternoon.

Tsireya walks up to Rowari and they kiss. She walks back bashfully and now it's Neteyam's turn.

He spins the bottle and it lands on me. He smiles and walks over to me, he squats down to my level and cups my cheeks with his hands before kissing me passionately. It ends and everyone watches Neteyam sit down, they've never seen that side to him before, luckily for me, I have.

Rowari spins and it lands on Kilani another girl from the village, they kiss for quite a while then sit down. Next is Kiri and she breathes deeply, she spins it and it lands on Rotxo!

We've had even more drinks at this point and i'm starting to see double as well as some of the others!

Me and Tsireya snicker to ourselves and Kiri notices, she rolls her eyes and walks to Rotxo, he smiles before they kiss and Kiri relaxes instantly. They go and sit back down and then its Lo'ak's turn. He leans forward and spins the bottle and it lands on... me. Oops.

Lo'ak and me both start to laugh at eachother and he says "It's not like it's never happened before" which I laugh too. I turn to him and we lean in to kiss and we both start laughing again. We calm down and then finally kiss, it's not a peck but its not a passionate kiss, it's a mid one. We pull away and we both laugh. I turn to see who's next and see Neteyam's face as I scan the circle and he looks annoyed. Oh no.

Next is me and I spin the bottle, it lands on Ciyara, Rowari's sister. I laugh because we used to hang out all the time when we were younger. I walk up to her and she laughs too. I jokingly grab her face and kiss her, not a peck or a passionate kiss, it's another mid kind of kiss. I pull away and we both laugh. I sit back down and all the boys are looking at me shocked. Some smirking. Creeps.

"That was hot!" Lo'ak whispers to me and I laugh then nudge him.

We all start to disband and make our way home, Neteyam has already stormed off home and Lo'ak gives me a shrug. I get in the hut and me and Tsireya gossip all about the night before falling asleep.

I See You Y/n  | Neteyam x readerWhere stories live. Discover now