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A quick punch to her side are what causes for Akari to fly out of the crystal rocks on the side. She landed on her back as she taste some metallic upon her mouth.

" Fire Dragon's Roar!"

Large blasts of fire were sent to Acnologia's direction but the man simply waved his hand and the fire dissipates revealing his grinning face as there is some glint on his eyes.

" Damn it! All of our attacks did not even affect him" Sting who's crouching on the ground said as he wipes the blood on the side of his lips.

Laxus made himself as one of his lightning before the man fly out on Acnologia's direction, the others cheers for him as he goes for an attack. A loud booming sound are heard as a cloud of smoke surrounded the area but once it dissipated Laxus are lying on his side with Acnologia's foot upon him holding the blonde man down. The other dragon slayers began to attack again as Wendy put some enchantments on their bodies while Akari infuse her magic on their attacks. It continues for a while until all of them are blown away when Acnologia made his attack. All of them are lying on the ground from exhaustion and breathing hard as sweats are all over their body.

Natsu stood up and look at the black dragon in his human form and asked him what is his purpose that he's trying to achieve but the dragon king's only answer is Destruction. The man wanted to cause destruction that will kill all human beings from the world that they are living in. Natsu let out a tching sound before he gives a response though while they are having a little bit of conversation Akari made her presence undetectable before she goes behind Acnologia's back and holding him down with her Soul Magic taking the dragon king by surprise.

" W- why you..."


Akari called out for the blue haired girl as Wendy lifted both of her hands as her body starts to glow. The young girl whispered some enchantment before the dragon slayers body started to glow as well turns out Wendy was transferring all of their magic power to the pink haired boy as Natsu stood there quite shock on what's happening. He lifted his right hand as he felt the large amount of magic inside him. Different colours are dancing around him from the others magic and it was a beautiful sight. His eyes widen at the other feeling that surge from his body, it's a little bit warmer than the others magic as light coated around him. His eyes found the black haired girl that is behind Acnologia smiling at him. Akari infuse her light magic on him as Natsu gave her a grin.

" I'm enchanting all of our magic onto you Natsu!" Wendy screamed as her body glowed more.

" Get him Natsu!"

" If anyone can do it, it's you!"

" We're counting on you Natsu!"

" All of our magic power..."

"...is in your hands now!"

With everyone encouraging him, Natsu felt his grin widen as he felt more magic entering his body.

" For everyone... and for Fairytail!"

The fire around Natsu exploded into nothing before a surge of different lights appeared on his form from everyones magic.

" Everyone's power has become my fire.. this is.. the power that will defeat you, Acnologia!" Natsu screamed as he flew in his direction. Acnologia felt his eyes widening as he still can't move his body from Akari's Soul Magic.

A pool of blood came out of Akari's mouth at the amount of Soul Magic she's releasing to hold down Acnologia. She knew that he is strong but she didn't expect him to be that strong that made her use every soul magic she has left inside her. She knew that if Natsu made the attack, she will be blown away too as she was just behind the dragon king.

Natsu screamed at the top of his lungs before he throws a punch on their direction with all of their powers. Akari felt how strong the power is as the ground around them shake from it. Light overtook Akari's vision as she felt the magic hits them hard. It felt like her body was burning on fire but at the same time it wasn't. Acnologia scream from the pain as the power continue to hit them.

Meanwhile outside the time rift, a glow of light are flying in the sky as it all came down from the glowing orb of Fairy Sphere where Acnologia's dragon form was inside. Lucy are still wide eyed at the amount of magic she was seeing that came from every wizards among the continent that Meredy managed to link are crushing down on the dragons direction.

" Use our magic power too!"

" Go!"

" This is all our magic power!"

" The magic of all wizard across the continent!"

Lucy have a look of determination hearing what they are saying before she clasp both of her hands together bringing a large shock wave of air around her.

" Fairy Sphere!"

The blonde girl screamed as the glowing orb around Acnologia hardened with the amount of magic power are on it completely incasing him inside.

Though back inside the time rift, the others watch how Acnologia's body started to disappear as it become dust. Akari who's sitting on the ground felt something upon her body.

" Akari..." her attention were drawn on the blue haired girl that is looking at her in shock and astonishment. It caught the others attention too as Natsu felt his blood ran cold upon staring at the girl.

Akari look down upon her feet and what she's seeing made her eyes widened in shocked. Her body are turning into dust, same on what happened to Acnologia. Natsu stumbled a bit as he was staring at the girl in horror. No one had expected for this to happen. Akari looks up toward the pink haired boy as she knew that inside him he was blaming himself for what's happening to her.

" Natsu..." it draw the attention of the pink haired boy as Akari gave him a smile. It was a soft smile as her face shows nothing but... peace? A sob were heard around them as tears fell from Wendy's eyes as she look at the black haired girl. And just before her body can completely turn to dust, Akari lifted her hand in the air as her fingers formed into a Fairytail symbol with a smile on her lips though there is some tears on her eyes. And just like that... Akari's body disappeared as it turned into dust.

Tears Of A Fairy ( Erza x Oc )Where stories live. Discover now