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Their training began the next day that they have woken up, at first everyone decided to practice individually and to have some time for their selves alone. The blonde girl, Lucy asked her one Celestial Spirit for some help with her Lack of magic on which the spirit gladly helped her. The others are also doing something that will help them to improve their skills and magic power.

However, Akari lazily sat down under the tree as she close her eyes not in the mood for some training. The woman had a lot of trump cards on her sleeve and also she's always on the mission and fighting with the enemy, for her it's also her way of training as she tested her magic power on her enemies not caring on what will happen if it failed as she didn't felt some mercy for them.

After some time the group decided to train by pair as Natsu grinned at it liking the idea. The pink haired boy got partnered up with Akari on which he suggested as the others agreed on him. The boy are excited to fight the girl based on how large the grin on his face is. The others are wondering on what will happen to the fight and the outcome of it as they all moved away from them giving a large space for the fight.

The two mages are standing a few feet away from each other, Akari are just standing there while looking at the boy waiting for him to take the first move. Natsu as she expected takes the first move and ran to her direction, using his fist which is coated in fire the boy gives some punch on which the girl just moved her head a bit to dodge it. Following the attack Natsu gives another punch but this time with his magic on it.

Fire dragon iron fist!” the large fire that came on his fist hit the girl as she didn't get to dodge the attack. She was moved a bit from where she's standing earlier as her long sleeve got ruined from the fire. It was a good thing that she didn't wear the coat or else it would be ruined. The girl took a step forward before she ran to him with such an incredible speed before launching an attack to his stomach which makes him to flew and fall on the ground tumbling a bit. The boy quickly get on his feet as he flew to her direction, Akari also aim another attack as she starts to head on towards him. They both met at the center as they got engaged in a fist fight with their magic on their fist. Blow after blow their shirts started to get ruined before they both flip backwards away from each other while panting a little. The fight causes the girl to get excited as she now have a grin on her face same with Natsu as the others continue to watched the fight between the two quite surprised at how strong they are.

Natsu straighten his body as he took some air to his lungs before releasing his new attack, Lightning Fire dragon’s roar to the girl. Akari noticed something from the attack as she also took the same stance before she fired her attack Light Alchemy breath towards it pairing it with his. Her attack are the fusion of her light magic and the swords magic, Force alchemy that she did in those seven years. The others look at it in shocked seeing that her attack are on par with his, Natsu also look at it in surprise. The boy grinned at how strong she is that it made him more excited as he takes a leap for an attack but before he can get close to her, Akari fired some Light blasts on him as he screamed in pain not having the time to avoid it.

Their fight continue for hours as they both doesn't want to give up but in the end Natsu got knocked out by Akari. Gray and Lucy helped the boy to bring him back at the room as Wendy followed them to heal his wounds when the girl told her that she could treat him first. Akari let out a sigh as she stood up from the ground and look at her body that have some bruises and some burn marks. Her clothes are also ruined as she's covered in dirt, Erza walked to her and helps the girl to walk back in the room when the girl's knees almost gave up from exhaustion for fighting for few hours. Wendy treated her wounds when the scarlet mage put her in the bed as she quickly fell asleep same with Natsu who's snoring loudly on which the other man clicks his tongue in annoyance.

For the past two months and a half they always train by pairs and also exchanging the pairs as they would get the chance to fight everyone. The Grand Magic Games are getting closer and closer as they got more and more excited from the thought of it. Their magic and skills have improved a lot as they learned some new things with the help of Akari as what everyone claims that the girl can make something impossible be possible on which the blonde haired girl agrees as she also told them that Akari is the one who improved her whip and train her with Cana to improve her skills in combat as she showed them the whip and what changed she's talking about  and what it can do.

The days continue to flew quickly as there is just a few days more before the games will began, everyone are just relaxing as they decided not to do some training for the whole day as it would be their rest day. Akari who's sitting under the tree opened her eyes when a bird landed on her shoulder, she looked at the bird as she notice something on it. It was a note from someone she had become an ally for the past few years, the note said to go under the bridge with everyone. Akari got confused on why they would want everyone to come with her but decided not to think too much and get the others attention before telling them that she wanted them to meet someone. The others looks at each other before following the girl who quickly left, the others looked around as they are confused on why they are going under the bridge. Soon they saw three figures of a person standing ahead of them, they all stop when they are close enough and the three figures lifted their hoods as the team Natsu's eyes widened in shock.

“ Jellal?!”

“ What the heck are you doing here?! And how the hell did you manage to get out in the prison?!” the others fires some more questions at the man while Akari just looked at the side. Jellal told them everything that had happened starting from when the Rune Knights had arrested him and how Ultear and Meredy broke him out the prison. He also told them what Ultear have done before as they all looked in shocked as they can't believe the girl could do something like that. It takes a lot more explanation to everyone to got satisfied with their questions before they stop.

And now back with the reason on why they summoned everyone, the man told them about the strange dark magic that they always felt during the Grand Magic Games. The trio tells them that they still don't have any clue on what is that magic and asked them for some help as they heard that Fairytail will participate in the game. On which they told them that they will tell it to the master first and make him aware of it as they agreed and thanking them.

Ultear, the girl with the ball of crystal told them about the Second Origin and explain everything about it and how it can help them a lot on which the team had asked her to help them have it but the girl told them that gaining the second origin will caused a lot of pain. The others still get on with it saying that they could handle it and does the girl helped them all as she casted some spells and one by one they started to groan as the pain felt something like they didn't experience before. Half naked inside the room they all continue to writhes in pain including Juvia who unexpectedly showed up some time on the place. The three, Jellal, Ultear and Meredy left earlier as they still have things to do after Erza thanked them. And now the sun had started to  disappear, Erza looked around the room noticing that someone is missing. The girl looks outside the window before she walked outside and decided to take a walk on the sand.

It takes a few minutes before the scarlet mage had found the girl sitting at the beach, she observed the woman's figure as she thought about everything. The girl are still confused on what she felt towards the woman who's sitting there, she thought that she loves the man from earlier but she realized that what she felt for him are something like a brother type of love and how different it is from the girl's. For the past few months that they are always together that feelings started to grow into something more and the girl had come to finally accepted it to herself that she unexpectedly have fallen for the girl.

The girl, Akari looked behind her and she saw the scarlet haired girl standing a few feet away from her, the girl gave her a smile before she stood up and walked at the girl as they both started to head back at the Inn. Two shooting stars flew quickly in the sky as it already vanished in seconds. And the night had fallen with the stars twinkling in the sky.

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