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A few days later after the restoration of the Fairytail guild, the members begin the construction of the new building on the same spot where the old guild once stood. Levy on the other hand sat in the corner while filling up some papers for for their guild to become an official one but soon comes to the one thing that she didn't even know how to answer, who will be the next seventh guild master of Fairytail? Mirajane states that it's a difficult question as they can't seem to think of who will be the next master. Natsu and Elfman soon started a fight that turned into a brawl as everyone decided to join in saying that they missed having that moment but got stop before they can even do some damage as Erza stood there, telling them to get back to work. Everyone were terrified as they all complied, Levy let out a chuckle as she wrote down the name of their new master, Erza Scarlet the seventh guild master of Fairytail on which everyone cheered about as the girl was shocked and tried to decline. However someone walks closer to them as the members looks at the person quite confuse about seeing him being a member of Fairytail but they don't have any memories of him.

“Oi you.. who are you again?” the pink haired boy ask in confusion as he too have no memories of him. The man known as Doranbolt who used to work for magic council let out a sigh before he looks at everyone until his eyes fell on Erza.

“ I'm also a member of Fairytail before i joined the magic council as per Makarov's order, however I've been waiting for this to happen for everyone to reunite and rebuild the guild again. Makarov is in dire situation and i will need you all to help him” the man said as the others stared at him, Erza observes the man as she doesn't want to trust what he's saying for so many reasons but if it's about their master then she will put her trust on him.

Mest or Doranbolt told the scarlet mage to follow him in the basement and reveal to her the Lumen Histoire however as the two are just starting the conversation Natsu and the others stumbled on the floor revealing their selves as they followed the two. Having no other choice Mest shared his memories with them on how he infiltrate the magic council and his mission on gathering some information about the western continent which the Alvarez Empire are located. The group saw in their minds the conversation between him and Makarov as the old man told him about the Empire attempting to invade Ishgar but failed and now with Etherion and Face being gone, the old master told him that Alvarez will try to invade again. Until it comes to where Makarov decided to disband their guild to protect them and that he will negotiate on the said empire and will threaten to use the Lumen Histoire if needed. The group were shocked knowing the whole truth about the guild's disbandment, as a few arguments followed by it. Erza thinks of a plan on how they will infiltrate the Alvarez Empire, save the master and left saying that no trouble or fight needs to happen as she gets close to Natsu saying it directly to his face as the boy agreed. Outside the basement, Gajeel smirked as he heard about what they are planning as an excited grin formed on his face thinking about regrouping their old team from the grand magic games.

As the group began their plan, Erza and her team sail on Alakitasia and to Caracoal island to get some information on their spy on the said place. Meanwhile in Alvarez Empire, Vistarion, Makarov and Yajeel discussed about the rumours of Fairytail's revival. Their attention got caught of the crowd forming in the street as they are welcoming the return of their emperor as they all see what's happening Makarov is shocked to see that the emperor is none other than Zeref, the legendary dark wizard.

Upon entering the castle, Zeref was met with some members of Spriggan 12 as well as Yajeel and Makarov who bows down on him. However their attention turned on the footsteps that's getting closer in their direction as Makarov looks up a bit.

“ I returned”a voice said as Makarov's blood run cold when he saw the person as his mouth are agape and eyes widen in shocked.

“ You sure took your time to come back too, Imouto” Zeref said as his eyes fell on the figure in front of him.

“ Hm.. the mission took some time to finish”

“ Pfft.. just admit it that you enjoy torturing them. It's not like you'll have a hard time for those insects you know to yourself that you can kill them all in an instant even just by using one finger, Akari” Dimaria said snickering at the girl who looks at her boredly. Makarov stared at the black haired girl, this girl is much more different than before. He can feel the dark magic leaking on her body and it's making him uncomfortable, he was confused on what happened to the girl or if her being a Sith Demon are the cause of this new transformation. The black haired girl noticed some presence that doesn't belong to the ones she knew as her eyes fell on the figure of the small old man who's also staring at her.

“ Who are you?” The others attention caught it as they look at where she's staring at, Makarov is now more shocked at this revelation. Akari doesn't know him? What?

“ He's a visitor that came from Ishgar to talk on the emperor, he's been staying here for the past few months and I'm keeping him some company while the emperor are still traveling” Yajeel answered her as the girl didn't say anything before looking away from him. This girl, Akari are wearing some black outfit almost the same with Zeref's but her's have some lining of red instead of gold.

“ Makarov I'd like to introduce to you the emperor's sister, Akari” Yajeel spoke as Makarov are getting more and more shocked and confuse on what's happening, his mind are filled with questions as he keeps staring at the girl. The girl glance at him for a bit before turning to the others stating that she thought there was a meeting, the Spriggan 12 members head out to the meeting room while Zeref left to change in his room. Akari was about to leave too but was stop by the old man Makarov.

“ Akari.. what's the meaning of this? Have you finally betrayed Fairytail?” the man asked as there is some anger, shock and disbelief in his voice while the girl stared at him.

“ I know that my name is Akari but i don't know what you're talking about and neither who you are” the girl said as the man looks at her in shocked, he observed the girl's feature and the man see that there is no sight of recognition on her face. The girl stared at him for a few more minutes before she left the old man standing there at the hallway.

Akari enter inside the meeting room as Invel stops from what he is saying to them. She takes a seat beside Dimaria as she gives them a nod, Invel informed them that there is some reports of some suspicious people at Caracoal island who states that they are some tourist. Brandish volunteers to check it while Akari decided to join in as she doesn't have anything to do as the green haired girl seem excited about the girl joining her.

Akari and Brandish just arrive at the island, they immediately notice the tourist walking on the seaside while some are taking a swim at the sea. The team natsu minus Wendy and the two exceeds discuss about something while ordering some serving of Star Mango Gelato. But as they are conversing the stall they were in got destroyed by someone names Marin Hollow introducing himself as a member of Brandish squad as he attacks them. Erza and Lucy found out that they can't use their magic as the man informed them that all types of magic that involves dimensional manipulation are nullified by his Spatial magic and will forcibly teleported at his personal dimension. He reveals to them the beaten up Mest on which he took from his dimension as Natsu and Gray attacked him.

The fight soon got stop at the arrival of Brandish, a member of Spriggan 12 as she disappointedly stare at the destroyed Star Mango Gelato stall. The girl's Magic power terrifies Gray as he felt it, who ignored Gray and Natsu still staring at the stall. Brandish commands Marin to release the girl's who held captive intimidating the man as she raised the entire island onto a pillar of rock. Despite of the turn of events Natsu stops them from leaving stating the damage on Mest injuries on which Brandish answered by disintegrating Marin as a form of compensation leaving them all shocked. Before she left she reveals that she knew their real identities and what they're goal is as she informed them that Makarov is alive before disappearing. 

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