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" Zeref?!" the other guild members exclaimed in shocked. Natsu clicks his tongue when he remembered the time that Akari attacks him, she was with Zeref that time.

" That's why she's with him that time and attacked me" he said as Lucy stared at him. Mavis looks at their expression before she takes a glance on the old man beside her.

" There's also some things that i have to say.. it's about Akari's origin" Mavis said getting their attention for the ninth time but this time it was different they can feel that whatever they may hear about what the first master is about to say would be something that they are not ready to know.

" What is it first master?" Mavis thinks for a minute as she doesn't know how to tell it to them.

" I have a talk about this with Zeref a few weeks ago, he told me everything regarding on who Akari really is. I don't want to believe it but even us we don't know anything about Akari's past.." the other members steps closer to her wanting to hear more as Cana walks beside the scarlet mage who glance at her.

" Akari was a descendant of a Pureblood Sith in Korriban, the home of the Siths who got cursed just like Zeref with Ankhseram. And that's not all.. she's also a descendant of Hyperion the God of Light where her Light magic came from" the members are shocked upon hearing about it, a descendant of God of light? Doesn't it make her a god of light or something?

" Does it mean she's a God of Light first master?"

" And also a Pureblood Sith?"

The members throw some questions on the first master as they all are confused same with the old man as his mind are also filled with questions about the girl.

" She is.. Akari is the Goddess of Light as well as a Pureblood Sith, she has the light magic and dark magic inside her and i assume that's the reason why Zeref can take control over her that easily. But that's not the case now.. Akari has gone control over her body and was doing everything by her own decisions" she said as the guild member's mouth are agape from shocked that even Makarov have his eyes widen.

" She has really betrayed us.." a look of disbelief and disappointment are on their face.

" No.." Mavis said as she shook her head the others looks at her in confusion.

" She didn't betray anyone else"

" But you just said she's doing everything now in her control" the others tried to reason out still confused.

" That's because she doesn't know anyone of us anymore or more like.. she doesn't have any memory of us"

" What?!" they yelled in surprised as Mavis just stared at them.

" What are you talking about first master?" Cana asked stepping forward as Mavis look at the girl.

" Someone had erased her memories and stripped of the light magic inside her" she said as Makarov turned to her with horrified look on his face.

" What?! How can that be possible?!"

" Are you serious now first master?"

" Who could do something like that?" Mavis listen to what they are saying, it's too good to be true that someone can do something like that. But then, they are in a world full of magic and so anything that could be impossible would be possible. They are horrified at the thought of someone taking away their magic as it's like, your life got taken away from you. Mavis closed her eyes and then open it back to look at them.

" It is possible by someone who has a full knowledge about doing it. Someone that is powerful to do it and that person must be from the western continent if Zeref managed to get it done with Akari. And she doesn't have any light magic on her, it's only a dark magic now from her Sith form and I'm afraid that this time.. we need to defeat her or bind her to not cause such destruction to the world. Akari is a pureblood Sith demon which means that she's immortal"

The guildhall were filled in silence taking everything that they just heard about Akari's origin and her turning into the dark side.

Meanwhile in Alvarez Empire, Zeref has called for all of them in a meeting stating that he wants to do a full scale invasion with all of their armies and all the members of Spriggan 12. The black haired girl who's sitting at the side listen to what he's saying about his plan, Zeref takes a glance on her noticing that she seems in a daze.

" Akari is there anything you want to suggest about the plan?" Zeref asked as the girl looks up at him.

" Hm.. maybe i can go ahead of you and go with the others instead" she said as Zeref looks in her eyes thinking on what the girl must be planning before a small smile form on his lips.

" Okay.. if that's what you want"

" That's unfair why she can go and do what she like, you know i can go ahead to and destroy them by myself" Ajeel exclaimed while there's a pout on his lips while crossing his arms on his chest, Invel sighed at him.

" That's because Akari understood his Majesty's plan and also she's stronger than you" Dimaria said while smirking at the man who glared at her.

" Now that it's all settled, Invel i want you to gather everyone and prepare them for the plan. I will go back to my chamber and as for everyone, you all can do what you like before we left to Ishgar" Zeref said as Invel bows at him who stood up and left the room.

Back on Ishgar, Lucy thinks about Zeref's reason about the invasion to have the Fairy Heart. The Lumen Histoire which the first master's body is incased by crystals. She thought about her duty to protect it since it was the person responsible for the foundation of Fairytail. The blonde girl is reminiscing the moment she met Natsu and Happy back in Hargeon as well as when she met everyone and become an official member of the guild. She thinks about the friends she made and the family that she have now, her mind also think about the black haired girl. Thinking about how the girl had help her a lot back then, she can't believe it that the girl turned to the enemies side and the worst is got her memories of them erased. She thought about cruel is that for someone to do it to the girl, she's not that close to the girl but still Akari would never think twice and save her from danger. She had consider the black haired girl as her sister that she never had, a family and it saddened her that something like that happen to her.

On Fairy Hills, Erza who's taking a bath thinks about the upcoming war and the possibility of losing someone's life. She thought about everything that happened in her life since the tower of heaven and after that, all the adventures she have than with the others and about the guild. The thought of the girl came to her mind, there's so many emotions bubbling inside her. She thinks about the feelings she has for the girl, quite disappointed on herself that she didn't even have the time to confess it. And now that the girl doesn't even know them, something in her broke into pieces at the thought of it as well as fighting the girl now. Fighting someone that you care too much would be hard but if it's to protect everyone then she will do it, everyone happiness should be her priority than hers. Wendy stare at the scarlet mage as the both of them are taking a bath, she still can remember the time that the girl had invited her to Fairytail and become a member. On how the girl had protected her ever since she became a member and took care of her and does, Wendy vows that this time she will protect the girl and everyone else as she hugs the girl when she stood up. Enjoying the moment that can be the last with the war coming for them.

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