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It's the end of the week the day where Gildarts will take her on a mission with him. Every members of the guild are present for the day. They wanted to bid the girl a goodbye for the mission will takes them a month, after all it's an S Class mission so it won't be easy. The little girl sitting in front of her big sister look around the guild looking for the master. She haven't seen the old man since this morning, she sigh before she looks back at the older girl spending much time as they won't see each other for a whole month.

The door in the masters office opened and both the old man walk outside. Gildarts has his sack on his shoulder and wearing his usual attire. Looking at the small girl to check on her he finds the girl with Cana wearing some black pants, a white long sleeve with her leather gloves. She's also wearing a pair of black combat boots and a cloak on her back, her backpack is on her hand. He gives the girl a signal telling her that it's time to leave. Cana gives the little girl a hug before letting go of her and let the others bid their goodbyes as well.  Akari walk to the little old mans direction giving him a tight hug which he returns.

“ Goodbye little gramps don't stress yourself too much or your hair will falls off hehe” she said while giving the man a grin. She took her bag and slip it on her back before the two S Class mage starts to leave. Once at the door Akari turn one more time and wave at everyone grinning at them.

Though they didn't expect that it would be the last time that they will see her, the girl grinning at them was the last memory that stuck in their minds as their hearts break at the sudden loss of the said girl, the lights of Fairytail disappeared as their hearts had filled with nothing but grief.



The basement of the Fairytail guild are filled with many emotions, with their master, Makarov in such a state as one of the member of Element Four of Phantom Lord uses some spell that drains his magic power. The guild members felt helpless at what's happening three members of their family are injured for being crucified and their masters condition is still unknown as Alzack and Bisca, another member of Fairytail bring him to his old friends house in the forest. Without Gildarts and Mystogan they can't think of anything that will helps them at this war while Laxus doesn't want to help them as he reasoned out that they are the ones who brought this trouble to everyone. How cruel and pathetic.

The whole place shook as they thought that Phantom Lord did another sneak attack like what they did to some of them and even damaging their guild. A sudden shout of one of their members alerts them as they all walk outside. A horrified look on their faces upon seeing the Phantom's guild walking towards Fairytail. Stopping once it is on the water the Phantom's guild opened one of its walls a big cannon were pointing at them, the Jupiter Cannon. It's a weapon filled with large magic that it can wipe out an entire town if being fired.

Everyone began to panic as it starts to build some dark magic, wondering how they will block it. One of the members, an S Class mage Erza Scarlet ran in front of everyone changing into her strongest defensive armor, Adamantine Armor.

Some of the members starts yelling at her not wanting her to do it as they don't know what it can do to the girl once she get hit by that. Cana felt tears appearing on her eyes while looking at the scarlet haired woman. Her scarlet hair are dancing in the wind. Am i going to lose someone again? Someone who's dear to me? Someone please help us. The Jupiter Cannon let out a large beam of magic as they fired it. The members yelled at the girl who's wearing an armor that is about to get hit by that magic power. The members closes their eyes not wanting to witness what will happen although they have faith for the girl they still can't help to get worried.

But before it can reach the girl something that everyone did not expect to happen happened. A large beam of light appeared as it shielded out everyone around the guild. It's too large and too bright that the Jupiter's beam didn't last long before it disappeared. What the hell was that? Everyone thought that even the master of Phantom is quite shock that someone manage to stop the Jupiter's Cannon.

“ N-no way...”

“ T-that magic i-it’s...”

“ Akari...” Cana whispered while looking at the shield around them. Everyone are shock on what happened especially those members who knows who's magic it is. Tears starts to pour down her cheeks upon seeing that magic after so many years, that Shields of Light it was her sisters magic. She can't believe that she will see it again.

“ What the hell is that light? It's too bright” Gray ask as he rubs his eyes rubbing some tears that got on it.

“ Where did it come from?” Happy the exceed says as he look at everyone. Noticing what had happened Erza look behind her back at everyone checking if someone got injured.

“ Does everyone okay?” she asked as they nod though the members have tears running on their cheeks.

“ What kind of power is that? It's almost the same as the masters but still different” the girl continued as she look at her guild mates. Cana let's out a chuckle while wiping the tears which got the scarlet haired girls attention.

“ That.. is the power of someone who swore to protect the guild with all her might. An advance version of Shields of Light” the girl said as she gives the team Natsu a smile. Remembering that there's still a war happening everyone decided to leave it for now as they focus on something in front of them. With a new found hope everyone charge at the enemy. Some of them stays as they wanted to protect their guild. With the shield still active the Phantoms dark magic can't get through as they all disappear before it can touch it, the light is too bright that it nullify those dark magic spells. Cana is fighting with a light smile on her face as well as the other members. The Lights of Fairytail protected them against the darkness. Smiling at the thought as she remembers the time when the girl casted that spell.


“ Where are you taking me Akari?” the small version of Cana said as the little girl drag her outside and suddenly stops from walking. The girl turn around before looking at the older girl.

“ I wanted to do something for the guild and i want you to witness it” the older girl looks at her confused. The little girl move away from her before taking a deep breath.

“ I wanted to protect the guild and everyone from such magic. The guild is my home together with everyone else and i wanted to protect it with all my might and by doing this i can protect everyone even if I'm not here with you or I'm while I'm on a mission” the little girl said as she spread her arms. They are at the back of the guild so no one can see them. A bright light appear in front of her and pouring some magic into it the girl mumbled the spell before it became too bright that Cana closes her eyes as to not hurt her eyes. As the light disappeared she looks at the little girl noticing that nothing had happened.

“ What did you do? There's nothing that happen anyway, did you failed?” the little girl laugh at her before explaining what it is. She told her that it was an advance version of Shield of lights, it will only activate once it detects a powerful magic that its goal is to harm the guild or everyone.


She can't believe that it's still there even without the girl and it really did protected them. Looking up to the members Cana saw everyone who's still fighting, trying to protect their guild. Macao and the other old members have a small smile on their faces though still sad at the image of the girl who appeared on their mind.

A white light took their attention as it's coming on the Phantoms guild. The light covered all of them as it passes everyone a warmth feeling came inside them. They know that magic it's one of the three Grand Magic spells of Fairytal, Fairy Law. The dark magic flying over them disappeared and soon enough, everyone started to cheer as they defeated the Phantom Lord and won the war.

Tears Of A Fairy ( Erza x Oc )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ