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In the Alvarez Empire, Zeref and Makarov goes on some private place as the two engaged in a conversation with Zeref telling him that he is indeed the emperor of Alvarez. He told the old man that he created the country and empire a long time ago so that he has some forces to fight Acnologia and capture the Lumen Histoire as he states as the Fairy Heart. Zeref also reveals that he will start the real Dragon Festival, a war between humans, Acnologia and himself to see if who will survive.

Hearing this Makarov tried to attack the man but was stop as some dark magic coated him followed by some footsteps behind him, Akari stood there staring at the two.

“ What are you doing here, Akari? I thought Invel told me that you're with Brandish on Caracoal island” Zeref asked the girl who walks closer to them, her eyes glowing in deep red.

“ There's nothing much there and i decided to go back, seems like it's a good idea” she said while referring to the old man who's getting lifted in the air by her magic as Makarov stared at the girl as his eyes seems asking what she's doing and surprised at her action. Zeref just let out a humming sound as the air blew in their direction.

“ Should i kill this man?” she asked as the man said some things on the old man and was about to deliver a final blow on him but someone appears and took hold of the old man before they teleported away. The old master's eyes didn't left the girl's eyes still searching for something in there only to see nothing in it before he got taken away.

Mest appeared with Makarov where team natsu are waiting for him, the man told them that he saw Zeref there as well as Akari which angered Natsu and shocked the others especially the scarlet mage as she remembers the notes that the girl left on her. Makarov told them that it's pointless to try and negotiate to the emperor but Natsu reassured him that they understood his actions and tells him the reforming of Fairytail and that they have come to take him home. But before the group can take their time on reuniting with him they got found by Ajeel, another member of Spriggan 12 who tracks them by the use of his sand. With Mest telling them that he's almost out of power and he can teleport then only once Makarov told them to run, they did with Erza putting the plug on her forearm as they get on the Magic Vehicle and drove off. But they didn't get that far as Ajeel create a sink hole on the ground swallowing everyone down though it didn't last long before everyone managed to get out and bursts from it as Natsu punch Ajeel in the face much to Makarov's relief of seeing them alive.

Ajeel recovers from the hit he got from the pink haired boy as he unleashed his sand magic and attacked the group. Makarov managed to save team natsu as he transform to his gigantic self while holding the group close to him declaring that he won't let Ajeel hurt them. Ajeel lets out a snickering sound as he creates a gigantic tidal wave of sand to them but before it could hit them, lightning hit the wave evaporating them much to Makarov's surprise. Laxus stood on the Blue Pegasus's airship while staring down at them as Gajeel and his team walks on the edge revealing their selves. Mest teleports them in the ship as Ajeel tries to attack them but Laxus fired his lightning on the man allowing them to escape from him. As the smoke and dust disappeared it was revealed that August, saves Ajeel from the attack saying that he doesn't want his comrade begone. Zeref sense it and states that things are just in the beginning phase, Akari who's behind the man looks ahead on the scenery with her deep red eyes.

Reuniting with the old master and the return of the group in Magnolia the guild members celebrate the return of Makarov as Erza quickly giving up the master title to him making him the eight guild master of Fairytail again as they all cheeres in joy. Allowing them to have a bit of partying, Makarov become serious and calls for everyone's attention apologizing to them for disbanding the guild on which they brushes it off as their guild are now back. The old man also warns them about Alvarez coming to them soon although Natsu assures him that Fairytail are willing to fight as the others agreed to him while the master let out a sigh. Makarov then proceed into telling them about Lumen Histoire but before he could, Mavis appeared out of nowhere telling the old man that she would be the one to tell it to them as she tells them everything that happened ever since she met Zeref and the sins she did, reminiscing the past.

Everyone are shocked and speechless about what the first master had told to them, while Natsu on the other hand states that he has a secret technique that can defeat Zeref while holding his bandaged forearm as he also told them that he can just use it once. It makes them quite feel relieved as the master let out a sigh before telling them about the special group in Alvarez known as Spriggan 12, he revealed the names of the members and what he knew about them. The old man told them the sole reason of Alvarez invasion stating that he wants to capture the Fairy Heart and begin the dragon festival with Acnologia fighting them. It terrified them all as no one dared to speak as they are shocked and speechless. As silence filled the whole guild something came to his mind or more like someone that he knew once he told them about it they will feel hopeless about the upcoming war. The first master must have sense it as before he could reveal it to them, she beats him to do it calling for their attention once again.

“ There is something more about it and it involves one member of Fairytail..” Mavis began as the members narrowed their eyes at the mention of someone from their guild being involved.

“ Akari.. has turned into darkness.. she was not the same person you all once knew” she said as the other members said some things like it was impossible and that the girl would never do something like that. However they all got silence when Makarov told them that it's true as he reveals to them that he saw it with his own eyes as the girl didn't even recognize him when they encounter each other and even attacked him much to their shocked while they look at the man in disbelief. Cana can't even utter a single word hearing it as she also can't believe that the girl had betrayed them. Lucy on the other hand remembered something during the war with Tartaros as she quickly looks up to the old man.

“ Wait a minute master.. there must have a reason to it.. like she was controlled or something” she said as it caught the guilds attention.

“ What are you trying to say Lucy?”

“ Back then during the war with Tartaros before everyone got released from Alegria.. Akari came and saved me from one of the demon gates. From what Natsu had told me before Akari attacked him when she sees him while acting some wild animal but when she came for me.. there's something on her i notice master. She was fighting something that time like... she's fighting over the control on her body before her eyes turned to full red and act the same thing like how she was with Natsu” the girl finishes as Makarov seems to think about it and the new appearance of the girl in Alvarez. Mavis looks around the guild as there is still something that she didn't told them.

“ She is.. she was being controlled that time..” Mavis told them before she looks down on the ground thinking about the information she has about the girl.

“ You knew about it first master?” Cana asked as the others are also wondering about it.

“ I did and i tried to help her that time to break free from the person's grasp which she did but not long enough as the person managed to get a hold of her again”

“ You knew who is it, didn't you? The one that controlled her that time” Makarov states as there is some hardness and firm on his voice. As the others didn't dare to say a word and just patiently listened to them.

“ Who is it first master?” Natsu asked getting annoyed and frustrated at the suspense. As the others can feel the sweat forming on their foreheads at the tension growing inside the guild. Mavis looks up and stare at everyone dead in their eyes before she decided to speak.

“ Zeref.. he's the one controlling Akari”

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