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After the party that had happen last night, everyone are in a good mood or excited to go at the guild the next day. They still can't believe that everyone are really back and they finally see the black haired girl, Akari smile again after such a long time. When the sky become dark they all began to party and celebrate the team Tenrou's coming back after seven years of being gone. The words got out and spread throughout the land of Fiore that they are back and the guild who helps them before visits them immediately and also joined the party until late at night.

Now having a headache and hangover from the drinks they had last night, everyone are either groaning or laying on the table. Akari also have a headache from the hangover as Cana made her drink last night saying that she could have alcoholic drinks now that she's older than her. The girl are sitting at one of the table at the corner while leaning on the wall, her arms crossed at her chest as her eyes are closed. The girl felt like her head are pounding from the headache and she fought herself not to let out a groan at it.

The white haired girl, Mirajane saw the girl on the corner and took some medicine and a glass of water for the girl as she walks towards her. Akari heard the footsteps coming her way, she opened one of her eye and stare at the person. She saw the barmaid smile at her before she put the medicine and water on the table.

“ Here Akari, i know you have a headache too based on how Cana made you drink last night” the barmaid said while smiling at her, thanking the girl Akari drink it as she let out a sigh after putting the glass down. Cana just challenged her last night into drinking as she said that the girl are too weak to take some alcohol that it made her eyebrows twitch and the battle for drinking had started after that.

“ Say.. where is the master? I haven't seen him since this morning and i have something to tell him” she asked the white haired girl who takes a seat across from her.

“ Oh, i saw him earlier with Gildarts and i think they go down the basement. I'm sure they won't take their time there, they are just probably about to talk something  important” Mirajane said to the girl who just gives her a nod as she observed the woman in front of her. She's still not used to the girl's new appearance and personality and she quite understand what the girl have felt when the thought of her family are gone after all the same thing happened to her with Lisanna, she let out a sad smile while she's still looking at the girl before she took the glass and left the girl to have some rest.


Meanwhile at the basement...

The two old man walked down the stairs as Gildarts looks around as he didn't know the guild have something like this at the basement. The small old man told him last night to meet him at his office and they both go down the basement and led him to somewhere. A large door with some type of seal came in his sight as he looks at it in confusion, he looks down at the old master as he put his hand on the door until it glowed and starts to open. They walked inside it and Gildarts eyes widened at what he saw as his mouth are agape, standing in front of them a huge crystal lacrima and inside it are the founding first master of Fairytail, Mavis Vermilion. He looks horrified at the sight as he knows that the first master are long gone and her grave are there at Tenrou island but seeing her here at the basement of the guild he's confused and shocked.

“ Wha.. what's the meaning of this master? Why is the first master are here?” he asked the old man who's staring at the lacrima calmly while his hands are on his back. The old man turned to him as he takes a glance at his face.

“ Just like what I've said earlier you'll become the 5th master of Fairytail and every master of the guild should know about this, Lumen Histoiré, the Fairytail's ultimate secret” he said as Gildarts look back at the crystal still shock. The old man explained everything to him and about the true nature of Fairytail as he stayed silent and listened to the old master. Surprise that the guild have those kinds of information that no one have known about.


Inside the guild, team Tenrou just learned that Fairytail had hold one of the worst guild title in Fiore though they are not the worsts and just one of them as everyone knows about the strongest mage of Fairytail that no one had ever defeated. The others also told them that the one who's holding the title of being the strongest guild are called Sabertooth, Natsu got excited as they said that there is also two dragon slayers on that guild and his grin soon turned into a frown and an angry veins popped on their foreheads as they learned how arrogant those guild are that they even tried to recruit Akari in joining them saying that Fairytail doesn't deserve someone like her, but the girl always decline them which made them feel relieved.

Their catching ups continue as the members filled them in on what happened during those years that they are gone, soon a brawl got started as Natsu and Gray insulted each other and everyone joined in as they all missed this sight. Natsu seeing Akari who's sitting in front of the counter ran to her direction as a big grin formed in his face. Lifting his fist in the air Natsu punch the girl's figure but as his fist collided to it the figure started to disappear into some kind of lights until it vanished. The members look at it in shock, while Lucy, Levy and Wendy looked horrified at the thought that Natsu killed her. Natsus' mouth opened in shock as silence filled the whole guild. What the heck?!

The master's door opened and Akari walked out of it, seeing that everyone had a look of shock while staring at Natsu the girl also look at him wondering what did he do as he walks to them.

“ What happen?” she asked breaking the silence as Natsu jumped in shock as the others widened their eyes upon seeing the girl standing there like nothing had happened. They got confused on what they just witnessed, Natsu turned to the girl with bid of sweats are on his forehead.

“ A-akari.. how?.. when?..you?..” the pink haired boy stuttered as he can't form a full sentence still shocked at what happened. All of them also wonder how did it happen, one moment the girl are sitting there and when the boy punched her, her figure vanished in some kind of lights and the next she was standing there looking at them also confused.

“ Akari.. when?.. how the hell did you do that? You just suddenly vanished when Natsu hit you and then you're just suddenly standing there. Did you do some teleportation?” Cana asked the girl as the others also wonder if she did something like that. Akari blinked at her as she realized what must have happened and what they are talking about.

“ Oh.. that's just a copy of myself” she said shortly as everyone deadpanned at her getting more confused in each passing second.

“ What?”

“ That's just a copy of myself that i made before i met up with the master. It's an advanced spell Glimmering Copies that is  made of light energy it usually is for defense or attack type of spell when i created them but i made another one version of which can just act like me in my command” she explained while everyone look at her in shocked that she can do something like this. They knew she can do some things that are unimaginable but still they can't help it but get shock when they saw her use it. The girl had never failed to surprise them with everything.

“ Woah! That's so cool Akari!” Natsu jumped in joy while yelling at how cool is that magic and the others couldn't agree more to what he said. Gray snickers at the man's action but he's also amazed at the girl's magic. The others have a smile and grins on their faces while Cana looks proud of her while the scarlet haired girl looks at her in amazement and fascination.

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