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Sitting on the ground Akari click her tongue in irritation. How dare he to use her new found weakness against her. She will make sure to give the man some ass whooping after the trial. Getting off the ground, she swallowed the lump on her throat and starts walking towards the boat. Inhaling some air she lifted her feet and step inside. As she's on the boat her face plant on the floor turning green with sweat rolling down on her cheeks.

“ This will gonna be a big challenge for her” the master said as they are watching the girl on the lacrima. While Gildarts gives the old man some chuckle.

“ She's a tough kid she will overcome this one” he said while grinning.

Akari clamping her teeth tightly try to crawl on the floor to where the flag is. She should thank the man a bit for putting it just on the edge instead of where she needs to climb it. Moving closer bit by bit the girl tried to get on her knees but a sudden wave of the sea made her faceplant again on the floor when the boat starts to sway a bit.

“ I-i will...p-punch ..you.. p-pervy m-man” the girl curses on her mind for the torture that she's experiencing. Crawling again as the boat stops from swaying the girl finally get close to the flag, now all she needs to do is reach for it and get the hell out of this hell.

Trying to get up with her knees shaking a bit she held the edge of the boat trying to push herself up. Leaning on it while pushing herself she manage to stand on her feet but bent down on the edge as her stomach do some flips.

Panting heavily the girl look up and turn to face the flag before reaching for it. Taking a grip on it another wave cause her to faceplant on the floor tightly gripping the flag and cursing herself for having motion sickness. With some tears on the corner of her eyes she starts crawling to get out of the boat. She succeed on the first trial, now there's only two that she needs to pass.

As soon as she gets at the ground she passed out from exhaustion footsteps walk near the girl as it reveal the two old man with a smile on their faces. Happy for the girl for passing the first trial. Taking a hold of the girl, they starts to head back at the tent and to let the girl get some rest.

The next time she woke up it's morning already, the girl slept throughout the day until morning. The two old man didn't blame the girl as she didn't sleep the night before. Having enough sleep the girl felt refresh she also didn't felt any pain on her body, looking for the bruises she looks confused as there is none. How the heck they all just disappeared in one night?

“ I see that you're already awake” the girl got startled when a sudden voice was heard, the master look at the girl amused.

“ Have some food before we begin on the trial” the old man said before he walk out on the girls tent. Following after the man Akari sit on the ground with Gildarts sitting across from her.

“ Congratulations for succeeding on the first trial Akari” Gildarts told the girl while grinning. Remembering what happened yesterday the girl jump out on her feet before dashing to the older man before giving him a punch.

“ That's for being cruel you pervy old man!” she said to the old man who's laughing at her. Remembering how the girl looks like from the sudden motion sickness the two old man can't help but to laugh at it. The girl pouting at them flop herself at the ground while crossing her arms. Noticing the girls action Gildarts took one of the meat and gave it to the girl.

“ Here have some food hehe. Sorry about it though it's a good way to see if you can overcome your weakness, besides you're a tough one and i know you will overcome it and you did” he said as took a bite on his food. The three of them continue to eat while bickering for a bit.

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