
Start from the beginning


"Where is he?" I immediately ask my men as soon as I get out of my car.

"Through there." One of them says gesturing towards a door on the ground floor of the motel. "Motel has also been cleared."

"Want us to go in with you, Matt?" Another asks.

"Nah," I reply, walking up to the room door, "I'll make it quick."

I open the door and step inside to immediately hear the sound of painful groans filling the room. Stepping further into the room, I see Armando tied to a chair in the middle of the room all bloody and bruised up.

I grab a chair from the side and sit down in front of him, placing my forearms on the frame of the chair. "Told them to be generous with you," I smile, "That shit looks like it hurts though. Does it?" I tilt my head at him.

"Fuck you." He sneers, spitting out blood on to the floor beside him.

"No one ever taught you manners?" I clench my jaw and stand up from my seat, walking around my seat until I'm standing in front of him, "No one ever taught not to lay your hands on a woman?" I seethe, grabbing his collar tightly in my hand until my knuckles turn white, "Especially your own fuckin' daughter?"

"So that's what this is about?" He chuckles humourlessly. "You got your boys on me because I hurt that bitches feelings? Pity." He pouts exaggeratedly and kisses his teeth.

"Motherfucker, I will make you pay for laying your filthy hands on my girl." I grit out angrily, "And I'll enjoy watching you suffer."

"You're a little boy," He seethes, "The fuck you gonna do?"

"Little boy, huh?" I smirk, taking my jacket off and throwing it to the side. I unlatch my watch from my wrist and without a second thought, I land a hard punch right across his face. His face twists to the side with a loud animalistic sound passing his lips.

"What the fuck!" He screams, looking at me with a newfound horror in his eyes.

Little boy my ass.

"Cmon that was just a punch. Quit whining like a little bitch." I scoff, gripping his jaw and forcing him to face me again but I land another firm punch across the other side of his face.

His cries were muffled as the only thing I could focus on was beating the fucker plump until he was begging me to stop. I wanted him dead but I also wanted Audrey to make that decision but I know she wants nothing to do with him. And I wanted to make him regret laying his hands on my girl.

I tip his chair back and take my knife out of my pocket, pressing it against his chest. "Say you're sorry. Say you regret laying your hands on her."

"Never." He breathes out, dropping his head forward in exhaustion.

Another painful groan leaves his mouth when I press the knife into his chest. "Say. It." I say lowly, clenching my jaw and pushing it further in until he's screaming in agony.

"I'm sorry!" He quickly says as his face twists in pain. "I regret it! Okay?! I-I regret it!"

I chuckle and bring his chair upright before taking out my gun. "Yeah you fucking do." I pat his cheek with my gun and take a step back.

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