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As soon as I got home I took a long ass shower to ease my headache away although the Advil Audrey gave me earlier helped quite a bit with it

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As soon as I got home I took a long ass shower to ease my headache away although the Advil Audrey gave me earlier helped quite a bit with it. After I finished showering, I took my phone off charge and jumped into bed.

I groan when I don't see a text from Audrey even after she promised she would message me before bed. Strange. Did something happen? It's not like her to not text me before bed. She always does.

Slowly, I sit up against my bed and silently stare at her profile picture, contemplating to text her. I don't want to disturb her if she fell asleep but it really isn't like her.

Fuck. What if something happened?

After a long debate with myself, I decide to text her just in case she forgot.

Me: Audrey?
Me: Did you fall asleep on me?
Seen at 1:35 am

What the hell? She read it but didn't reply. Something's definitely wrong and I'm gonna find out what the fuck happened.

Without a second thought, I hurriedly get out of bed, put a t-shirt on, grab my car keys and rush towards the door. I fucking knew I shouldn't of left her alone.
How can I be such an idiot?

I rush down the stairs, put my shoes on and bolt out the front door. After getting in my car, I start the engine and swerve out of the driveway then speed down the road towards Audrey's house.

A rush rage runs through my blood at the thought of anything happening to her. I need to calm down because I can't see her when I'm angry. It may be nothing after all.

What felt like hours later, I finally make it to her house and instead of parking down the road I park directly on her drive.

Slamming the door shut behind me, I jog towards her window and see that it's slightly ajar but the light is off. I quickly start climbing up to it and then peak inside to see fuck all. I hate this damn window. Opening the window the rest of the way, I climb through and look around her room.

"Audrey?" I whisper, walking further into her room carefully.


I feel around the wall for a light switch and flip it when I reach it. My eyes immediately travel to the blood on the wall and my heart drops. Following the bloodstain, I feel my stomach sink in horror at the sight of my girl laying by the door unconscious.

"Audrey?!" I don't even recognise my own voice as it's masked with pure shock and horror, "Audrey!"

I drop to my knees and turn her over so I can see her face. My chest tightens and my breath hitches in my throat at the sight of her; bloody and bruised up.

"Oh my God." I whisper in utter shock at the state of her.

I hold the sides of her face, making sure not to touch her injuries, and analyse the damage. A weak groan leaves the back of her throat and her eyes flutter open. She squints them and her eyes widen when they land on mine.

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