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tw: abuse

As soon as I got home from my school, I breathed a sigh of relief when I found out my father wasn't home

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As soon as I got home from my school, I breathed a sigh of relief when I found out my father wasn't home. Normally when he isn't at home he's at work. Expect all the money he makes doesn't go towards food or the bills but instead he spends it on drugs and alcohol. There were days where I didn't eat because of that reason so I was forced to go to bed hungry.

That was when I was younger. Although he still wastes his money on drugs and alcohol, I am now old enough to get a job. Some days he would steal my pay check but the days when he doesn't I spend the money on food for myself.

He can fucking starve for all I care.

Tomorrow I am working which means I have the whole house to myself for the day. Thankfully.

Sitting on my bed after taking a shower, I hear my phone ping with a message so I grab it off the nightstand and unlock it. A smile grazes my lips when I see a message from Matteo.

Matteo: Be here for 9 am.

Underneath his message was the location to the ice hockey ring. I look outside of my bedroom and groan after realising I took my car to  the shop to get it fixed since I popped the tire. Plus it won't be back until next Tuesday which is fucking fantastic.

Me: I might be a bit late

The bus ride will be about half an hour from my house to the arena.

Matteo: Why? You won't get the good seats.
Me: Cars in the shop
Matteo: I'll pick you up. Send me your address.

I debate on sending him my address because I've only known this guy for three days. What if he kidnaps me? Audrey you idiot! Of course he won't kidnap you. Plus I don't want my dad seeing him. Fuck knows what he'll do.

After having a long debate with myself, I finally send him my address and turn my phone off.

Today is Monday which means the game is in five days. Okay, that's fine. Plenty of time to panic about my outfit later.

A low growl rumbled in my stomach which means it is time for dinner. Getting out of bed, I throw on my hoodie and make my way down the stairs. After opening up about six different cabinets, I come to the conclusion that we have no goddamn food in this house. All of the cabinets are filled with beer.

Nothing new.

Rolling my eyes, I pour myself a glass of water and make my way back upstairs.


I work at the local cafe. Some days it quiet and some days it isn't. I prefer the quiet days mainly because I don't like people and I don't like socialising. Like today is one of those days. It's quiet as I clean up the counters.

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