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Fern's POV

Rhys is the only one who knows me. We decided to put my mom in her death bed. The glass coffin will soon be put underground. It won't happen until I have my kids. So that's what me and Rhys wanted. At least one grandparent should be able to meet them.

So tonight is the blood moon which means that vampires are allowed to repopulate and have kids. It's May right now so the baby will be here by February. The first trimester is thirteen weeks. Second trimester is fourteen weeks. The third trimester is thirteen weeks. It's the baby calendar.

We we're so ready for this to happen. Me and Rhys never talked about until we brought up my mom. We both instantly agreed and we pictured the best and worst parts of parenting. Parenthood was the one thing we both wanted and we are ready for.

Tonight was the only chance we had until another blood moon would appear again. I took off work early and met Rhys at the garden. When we stayed there it looked more beautiful. Rhys placed a blanket down next to the rest of the house that was torn down. It made the perfect quiet place for us.

I finally understand what people mean when they say unexpected relationships always end up being the best ones because I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. My hands was my heart and I didn't even know until he grabbed it. Now it belongs to him forever. As we sat on the blanket we had placed candles to make the garden look romantic.

A perfect relationship isn't actually perfect at all. It's just two people who will never give up on each other despite any hurt or pain. We never gave up even when I wanted too after I thought he used me for my blood. All the past memories have changed my view.

Stuff like this is more intimate than sex. As we laid under the blood moon we both washed each other with blood. It's a normal tradition among vampires. Just washing each other under the moon light was like pure bliss. Each drop of blood of course was eaten and drank within the time.

As we laid together on the blanket Rhys was running his fingers across my bare skin. He was focused on my face and my little whimpers. My squirming made this even more enjoyable for him. He wasn't even doing anything bad either. His hands were on my stomach. His touch sent me chills.

My eyes were filled with admiration. I wanted this just as bad as he did. As he kept spreading the blood across my body I felt comfortable in the silence. The best feeling was when us two were alone. I wouldn't have it any other way as we stayed in the garden.

This made me think of Adam and Eve. It was so ethereal that I made peace with my mind. I wanted to take things further. I kept looking at Rhys's eyes as he kept staring at me like I'm a precocious gem he had ever seen. This was all he showed me. I could tell this was such a turn on for the both of us.

We were laying on the blanket with skin against skin. Blood was dripping off our bodies as he kept spilling more on us. We we're drinking every drop off of each other. Rhys wouldn't stop holding me the whole time. I was giving him endless heads rubs as he kept giving me forehead kisses.

Rhys was taking off the spots of blood that I missed on myself. He was reassuring me that I looked good. I kept showing that I loved him as I traced his body with my fingers. This made him shiver with my touch. He loved the feeling of my touch.

This was making the passion pass through us. Of course we still intertwined together. The plan was to make a baby. As a few hours came by and we finished and fell asleep. We cuddled with each other. A vampire reproduction system was really fast.

It did need to happen by the blood moon so it happens really fast. As Rhys was holding me I heard him sit up in the grass. He let go of me. I turned to get up too. I was hearing a very loud heartbeat. "You're pregnant" said Rhys. I looked at him happily. "We are pregnant" I said excitedly.

I sat up and kissed him on the lips. Me and my husband are going to start a vampire family together. "We are pregnant" repeated Rhys overjoyed. I giggled as he looked happy for the occasion. "You are pregnant and k helped" said Rhys as he pulled me into his arms softly.

The smell of blood filled my nose as my ears were ringing with a tiny strong heartbeat. It was an exciting feeling. We both hugged each other under the stars as the moon turned back to its original color. The full moon hanged above us perfectly.

We both held onto each other's faces as we melted into every kiss. We are going to be parents. The baby won't be here until February so we have much to plan do when the baby gets here. Of course it was exciting. "Do you hear that" said Rhys.

We pulled away from each other to hear what was wrong. Just was we pulled away I heard it. There wasn't just one baby because there was two. "Two babies" said Rhys as he gave me the most happiest look. "Yes" I said making sure it was real.

The heartbeats were so loud that it sounded like drums. Me and Rhys were so happy. I was so happy that I carefully tackled Rhys and started kissing him. "We have to tell everyone" said Rhys as he kept kissing me in between kisses. "They will know once they hear their loud heartbeats" I said smiling.

Her Blood TearsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant