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Fern's POV

I was still in house arrest. Why couldn't Rhys tell me what is going on. I was in the kitchen making me a green smoothie a coffee. I was drinking a little bit of water as I waited for the coffee to be finished with. Once I had my drinks ready for today I made myself breakfast as I sipped coffee.

I had a blueberry smoothie bowl for breakfast. I was there looking at Fluffy's empty bowl. I wish I still had my girl around. She was the best dog I could ever ask for. I just wanted to get out the house. I kept blaming myself for being in this mess with vampires.

I may have seemed depressed if I didn't have anything to do. We we're on break this entire time. I was glad to have the days off but I wanted to go on my regular walks around the neighborhood or even go to the Bristo. Just something to distract me.

I missed being able to see my friends. I was so bored in the house. Since I have been in the house I made a little greenhouse for me in the shed. I would run inside to put plants and run back in. I have made new additions to the greenhouse that we had in the backyard. It's a perfect place for me to be calm.

It was unsafe to go outside so I would stay indoors except the one time a day I get to run in the shed. Rhys has at least made an attempt to see me in the morning. At night he has been busy planning a blood feast. He made me origami letters made to be roses. I honestly love how he is so romantic.

The last time he had came by he had gotten me my favorite pink drink from the Bristo. Daisy has stopped by another time when Rhys was watching Gideon. She had to act as if she was hunting. It's weird to think of this as a holiday. My family has never celebrated one. It was our tradition.

When she stopped by we danced and made yummy cupcakes. We talked about Alieen the whole time. She is so scared of what will happen to her older sister. I missed hanging out with thyme both. I'm just glad that they don't blame me for anything.

I would have helped her but she protected me when she is dying. I couldn't let that happen. Daisy has told me what happened and that Rhys has been miserable being around the council. Daisy and Rhys have talked about his family the whole time too.

I didn't want to know why his parents would let the elders become royalty. I find that situation to be tough to handle. To me it isn't that worth it. I think my favorite sibling would have to be Neoma from the stories I have heard about her. They told me everything at least and I was glad to hear something from them to know what is going on.

As I was thinking of the stories they told me my stomach was growling very loudly. It was definitely launch time. I put my hand over my stomach the whole time as it was growling. I had to warm up a leftover falafel bowl that was originally shawarma.

I made a side snack to have as well. People will say this food is disgusting but to me the snack is the best combo ever. It's green olives with bread and caramelized onion hummus. I knew to most people they will never eat one of my snacks. I like how my vegan diet works on my taste buds.

A lot of people will disagree but I didn't care. I ate my food in silence. I felt so lonely in this big house. My parents have actually stayed at the hospital the entire time. They haven't come home once. They like to work during the holidays to get more money. I personally don't ever want to do that.

This is why I want to be a florist and choose my hours. I mean what is so wrong with owning a flower shop. To me it gives me time and my own money. I won't get sued like most awful doctors do. I know it's mistakes but I don't want someone's life in my hands. It's scary to think about. I won't be able to do that at all.

I cleaned the kitchen and even put dishes in the dishwasher. I cleaned the whole house until it was dinner time. I was so bored I just was about to do anything. I didn't like being like this the whole time. At least the day was almost over with. I got the cleaned dishes to make me food for dinner.

I made me kale salad with hummus dressing. It had vegan chicken with sun dried tomatoes with red onions. Since I had so much time on my hands and I was so bored I made me a bowl of cereal. I had cheerios well I waited for one of them to show up tonight. I couldn't wait for them.

I learned that I have eaten more food every time I get bored. This wasn't healthy and neither was being indoors. I missed being outside in the fresh air. The mountains looked so beautiful but the weather has only been gloomy this whole break. It is cold outside so I am glad to be warm.

I reread every book that Alieen has given me. I have rewatched my favorite show and movie. I didn't know how I was going to be when my parents get home. I wished that I wasn't always alone. I mean out of everything why am I eating cereal for a dessert. I don't see the point of eating this after dinner.

It's not bad but I wish I could go get a yummy cupcake. Me and Daisy eat all of them when she was here. Hopefully they come sooner rather than later. I have only been waiting for them. I feel like a princess in the tower waiting for my prince in shining armor to kill the dragon and rescue me. It feels like an eternity has passed by me.

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