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Fern's POV

I was outside his window feeling nervous. I was playing with my fingers as I held his gift in my hands. Just with a few seconds I saw him look out the window. Just then he saw me when I waved up at him. I didn't want to yell and wake everyone up.

I saw him looking at me with a smile. He looked confused at me for being here. He leaned against the window and I felt my heart beat speeding up. I stared at him looking handsome. I think I wanted him. I wanted to be with him I mean. The more we we're looking at each other with amusement I got scared. How could I have done this.

It was the same time me and Rhys walk to school. As I stood there I felt anxiety take over my body. My heart was pumping loudly in my chest. I was backing out in fear. I placed the flowers down on the ground and I took off towards the woods. I ran away from him. I couldn't believe myself after all of this.

I ran towards the tree until I knew I was away from any houses. I was able to find my way back but I didn't want to face him. I was so scared. I leaned against a tree trying to catch my breath. I don't know why I panicked and ran. My legs were in control.

I slumped down against the tree barely against the tree bark. I sat against the tree to where it didn't both me. My knees were in front of my face. I put my arms crossed and leaned my head against them. I looked like an idiot. Why did I have to make a fool out of myself. I am such a loser.

That's why I realized I left the bouquet of roses on the ground back at his house. There was no way I was getting those back. I kept my head down like I always do. Just then I heard a rustling in the bushes. I was shifting my eyes every couple of seconds to see what it was. I thought I was the only one out here.

Just then I saw Rhys walk up to me. I sighed but I kept my head down. I was still upset with myself for running away like a weirdo. I looked at the root that disappeared into the ground. "Thank you" said Rhys as he leaned against the tree. I nodded my head too nervous to form words. What do I say now.

We both stayed there in silence like we do every time we are together. I find the peace in silence but I was overwhelmed with what I just did. I was tense as I sat with my legs in my arms. I leaned my head against the outside of my arm. I looked at the pretty forest in front of me. I am a huge mess.

"These are beautiful" said Rhys as I saw the bouquet of flowers in his hands. We both stayed quiet for five minutes. You were able to hear the breeze pass us through the trees. It was peaceful and we were comfortable like this. "Did you get them for me" he spoke softly. I knew he was trying to talk to me.

Before he was more quiet and I would have to bring up conversations but this time he was talking to me. Silence was comforting for both of us. I was acting like a loss puppy when we walked to school. I put a piece of hair behind my ear. I looked up at him and nodded. "Where is your golden retriever energy" he said. I'm not going to lie but I was comfortable with him.

We did start to walk to school around the same time every day. I had to get used to his presence somehow. I think that's what made me like him more. I became talkative but still shy. This is the first time I got comfortable with a guy and I ruined it. "Gone" I said looking at the ground.

I saw him look at the bouquet in his hands that he had tightened and then released after he took a deep breath. "Don't worry your pretty little pigtails" said Rhys as he walked up to me. Rhys put his hand on the top of my head to calm me as if I was a puppy. "These were perfect" said Rhys softly.

I watched him begin to walk away. Was that a sign of him liking me. I couldn't let this moment ruin this. He ran to check on me after all. That has to mean something. I started to second guess myself so much. This was not a good time. I was watching him leave and I had to stop him. I stood up as he slowly walked away from me.

"Rhys I love you" I said as if the word's rolled off my tongue perfectly. Rhys stopped in his tracks to look back at me. "I do too" said Rhys with a big smile on his face. He turned around to face me. We we're both standing so close to each other. I looked him in the eyes not knowing what to say.

We we're both quiet and this time it was peaceful for the both of us. There was only comfort all around us. "I'm sorry I didn't have the courage to tell you by the window" I told him. Rhys smiled at me not worried about anything in the world. I just knew he took another step towards me until we were inches apart.

Rhys grabbed my face in his hands. I was getting nervous and I kept shifting my eyes to see what he was going to do. His expression was unreadable. As I stood still I kept looking into his eyes until he finally made a move. He pulled me in close and gave me a kiss. It shocked me but I couldn't help to melt into it.

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