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Fern's POV

I walked into school alone. I knew Rhys was waiting for me in our normal spot. I didn't feel to get being around him. Because what if he is and what if he isn't. Either way I thought it was better being my shy self. I knew I shouldn't be comfortable around people.

As soon as I arrived to school the first person I see is the group. Daisy was there with Rhys. "Hey" said Daisy. To be honest I didn't want to be rude to her but I had my hair down and I turned the corner as fast as possible. Within seconds Rhys appeared in font of me. I just saw him by Daisy.

"You are one of them" I said gasping for air. I watched his face look at me with shock. "Who told you" he said as he put his arms on my shoulders. He pinned me against the wall. I start to cry in fear. I was shaking my head so the words wouldn't come out. I was so terrified.

I was trembling where I stood. I watched Rhys take a sigh. In shock I felt Rhys pull me into a hug. "I'm sorry" he said as he studied my face. I was shaking my head no. This wasn't real. None of this was real. I cried in silence as Rhys held me close to his body. I kept trembling by his touch.

I was hugging my boyfriend who was a vampire. "Listen to me. Who told you what we are" said Rhys as he looked at my face. I looked up at him with tears falling down my check. "It was Alieen but she was protecting me from Gideon when he tried to kill me" I said to him. I didn't see why he cared if he was going to kill me later on.

"That prick" said Rhys as he looked angry. "Those two are in big trouble when I get my hands on them" said Rhys as he made a hissing noise. I took a step back in fear. I was a complete coward. I saw Rhys calm down and look at the floor. "I apologize" he said to me as he kept his head down.

"Don't get mad at Alieen" I said to him softly. I didn't want to push my luck since a real vampire was apologizing to me because I am scared. "Why" he asked me out of curiosity. I mean he probably understands that I am sacred of his kind.

"She protected me yesterday" I said to him. "And" he said with no hesitation. "I at least saw her like a friend and you as my crush. I was the stupid one to think it was real" I said as I walked away. I went down the hall and towards my classroom.

I left Rhys standing there more confused. He was probably unsettled with what I said. I told him how I used to feel. I hope he understands that he doesn't have to pretend with me anymore. He was now able to be with Dahlia. We all know she wants him.

Rhys will go back to the life he had with Dahlia chasing her tail. I now know that the entire group was filled with vampires. I was such a idiot to think that I belonged. When I was in my class Alieen was sitting on her assigned seat. I sat in mine but I kept my head down. I just focused on my class the entire time. Alieen looked upset but she didn't look at me.

When it was lunch time I passed Alieen as she stood by her desk. She was probably thinking of what to say. I was already out of the door when she turned to my desk. I didn't need a apologize about what happened. I need to wrap my head around it first. Right now this is all too much.

Rhys didn't try to find me again. I was glad since I was scared of him. In a way I also missed him. The silence and his aura was peaceful. We connected with each other. Well at least I know I did. It's hard looking back now to when he was always around.

Was he trying to use me just like Gideon tried to kill me because he is hungry. I was scared to face the facts when I already know the truth. I kept my head down as I walked in tears. Was I really so easy to be able to be used. I kept rubbing my arms against myself so I can calm my nerves.

I didn't want to be seen crying. I found a spot to eat and I kept my head down. I sat at table that was in the cafeteria. I pulled out my lunch from my backpack. I was glad that everyone looked disgusted by my food choices since I'm vegan. I would rather be judged then be pretended to.

I was eating silken tofu with sauce and shelled edamame. I was so sad that I even made me a second meal. I brought spaghetti bolognese with vegan taco meat. I may have been so sad and stressed that I ate both. I really couldn't explain what o was going through. I'm truly alone.

I saw Daisy and Dean walk together to the place we hangout. Alieen was right behind them but I saw her stop to look at me. Talon came to her side and pulled her with him. I couldn't help but hide my face. My ponytails were covering most of my face. When I looked up I saw Rhys. He looked so hurt.

I saw how his face was in a uncertain state. That's when I knew he wasn't looking at me. "We know" said a voice from behind me. I turned around and I saw Dahlia. "I still don't understand what Rhys sees in you" she said as she walked away from me. I grabbed my things and I cried as I left the school with Rhys watching me walk away.

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