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Fern's POV

I woke up feeling anxious. My heart was beating faster. I felt so tired but I had new found energy in my vain. My eyes jolted open and I immediately looked around. I saw the maze all around me just like last night. The sun was coming up. I kept shifting my eyes because it was hard to focus on just one thing. There was so much more detail.

I was seeing the actual leaves and their spines. I was scared of what happened. I went to stand but once I thought it I was already up. "Woah" said Rhys as he held me close to him. I felt tingling as our skin touched. I was able to feel everything. I felt his short arm hair. The type of fabric he was wearing.

I looked around and I saw everyone looking back at me with worried eyes. "What's wrong" I asked them. I watched as my mom walked up to me. "You are a vampire" said my mom as she saw me. "It's to protect you" said Rhys. I looked at them both. How could that be possible. "I took your blood and gave you mine. It happened before you died" said Rhys.

I turned around facing him. I turned so fast that I got dizzy. "Slow down" said Daisy. Rhys was holding onto me so that I wouldn't fall. "Breathe" said Alieen. I turned my head slowly to face her. My heart beat was beating even faster. I felt like it was going to explode from inside my rib cage.

I was now a actual vampire. I even died last night. Rhys changed me before Gideon and Dahlia could kill me. As I was standing up I looked down and I saw Annabel dead at my feet. "Both of them were surrounding us and I chose to turn you into a vampire. When you were on the floor she drank your blood and it killed her" said Rhys. I nodded my head.

Old blood can kill a vampire. He knew that they were close by just like I sense another person here. "Come out" said Rhys as he and the others hiss. I felt a weird feeling within my mouth. I had fangs appear. They came out in self defense. This was so weird. I couldn't believe I was taking all of this at once.

"Clove" hisssd Rhys. "What are you doing here" hissed Dean. "Traitor" hissed Eleora. They we're all staring at her waiting for any movement. My body was filled with adrenaline as I watched her walk slowly towards me and my friends. My mom stayed protected with Alieen and Talon.

"She needs human blood" said Clove. "Why do you care" hissed Neoma. "I was one of the vampires who forbidden this law" said Clove. We watched as she stopped walking. "I may have thought power was unbalanced and should be taken away" said Clove. I heard as Ezekiel's knuckles popped.

I watched in slow motion that he ran to her and ripped her heart out. She dropped to the floor just like the others have before her. "We need a human" said Talon as he wa a holding Alieen bridal style. She was even closer to death. "Mine" said my mom. We all turned to look at her. "We need a human capsule" said Daisy. "No" I said knowing what that means.

I was shaking my head. I tried to walk to my mom to tell her we will find another way. "It has been decided" said my mom. "No" I said telling her. "You don't have that long just like Alieen. Both of you can't die because we have to go back in town to kidnap someone" said my mom who sounded reasonable. "Quickly" my mom said to Alieen.

She had her arm out. Alieen used her fangs to bite into her arm. She was drinking just a pint to make herself feel better. My mom was looking at me with a smile. "I am a job and it's to help people from dying. I'm not letting you and Alieen die after everything we have done" she told me as Alieen kept drinking. We watched her bones and skin return to normal.

"I will still be alive" said my mom. I knew she would be alive but she would be in so much pain. "You just need my blood for now until you kidnap another individual" my mom said as if she thought about everything. "Quickly" said my mom. I walked towards her. I couldn't change her mind now.

She gave me her arm. "I'm sorry" I said as I used my fangs to suck her blood. I never understood how blood ever tasted sweet but drinking it now felt like bliss. I needed more. Me and Alieen kept drinking until my mom passed out. I panicked quickly but I heard her heartbeat beating loudly. She was okay.

I sighed in relief. She laid on the floor peacefully. I turned to see Alieen standing for the first time since I have seen her. Her feet touched the ground and it was like she came back to life. "We are getting married" said Alieen as she scrambled it from the top of her lungs. We all cheered and my mom was waking up. It took her a long time to wake up.

"We are all back together" said Rhys happily. "We all need a well deserved break" I said as my mom was looking at all of us with a smile. "Wedding" said Talon and we all agreed. "Yes we need to get you guys married right away" said Dean.

We all laughed knowing that one hundred and twenty years has been a very long time and they need to get married. "Your crazy if you guys can put a wedding together as fast as possible" said Daisy. "I can handle everything" said Eleora as she clapped her hands excitedly. "We have help" joked Alieen.

Her Blood TearsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora