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Fern's POV

I was home alone today. Me and Fluffy are together having a blast. I was out of bed making me breakfast after I fed Fluffy. She was eating her dog food. I was going to make me breakfast. It was the best meal of the day in my opinion. So I got to work.

I made me a teami blends matcha green. It was a drink that I liked very much. I also got to work on my strawberry yogurt bowl. I had breakfast in the kitchen. Me and Fluffy are eating our food in the peace in quiet. I honestly loved the silence.

As I was eating I saw notes on the refrigerator. There was appointment's everywhere. There was one note that said we love you. The note was to me. On the wall beside the refrigerator was a organized work board that had color everywhere. It was neatly put together. If I looked at it too long I would probably go blind from how bright it is.

When I was done eating I put the bowl and cup in the sink. I was taking Fluffy for a walk today. I got her leash so we can go around the neighborhood. I hated that she was at home all the time. She was always excited to be outside. Her walks are the best.

I was walking with Fluffy's leash in my hand. We we're just going around the block. She loves the exercise. I looked down at her as she was doing her happy trots. Her legs are so thin and log she looks like she is trotting. It's so adorable.

As me and Fluffy were on our walk we passed Rhys's house. I looked at it's dark exterior. We didn't hangout today since I wanted to be with Fluffy. I will walk with him when we go to school on Monday. We had a three day weekend so I didn't plan anything with him. It was probably best since he had to go shopping either way.

Fluffy was still doing her happy trots until we stopped back at the house. Her fur was blowing in the wind. Her young was out the entire time. The weather was better here than New Jersey. Me and Fluffy came back inside the house and I locked the door. It was time for lunch for the both of us.

I gave Fluffy her frozen canned food. I put it in her bowl and she ate it. I was making me avocado toast with sautéed mushrooms. I had to get ride of this by today. The bread was going to get old. I don't want to eat old moldy bread. I thought it was better to eat it now. I loved making my lunch meals.

I prepped everything fresh. I planed my meal ahead of time. I threw away the bag of bread in the trash. I started to eat. Fluffy was done with her food and she went to go take a nap. I ate by myself as she curled up into a little ball. In a few minutes she was out. I finished eating and I put the plate in the sink.

I watched Fluffy sleep in peace. I went to the couch to where she was at. I saw beside her on the couch and I gave her belly rubs. Her eyes were closed but she let me give her attention. I stayed there thinking that I am starting to like my new home in the mountains. It's nothing like New Jersey.

I can tell you that. I was fixing my sweater because the sleeves weren't passed my hands. I leaned against my arm and I took a little nap. I closed my eyes to get sleep. I may have been more tired than I thought I was. My eyes slowly closed and I was out for a couple of hours. Time went by so slow.

Dinner time

I woke up at six feeling like I woke up from a nightmare. I jumped up feeling out of breath. I moved the hair out of my face. I took a deep sigh to collect myself. I rubbed my face trying to remember what was going on. I looked around the living room. That's right, I fell asleep a long time ago.

Fluffy was laying on my lap. I scared her when I jumped up. She was cuddling me the entire time I was asleep. She does give the best cuddles. Fluffy got up and moved in front of the tv. She was telling me that she was hungry. She made a perfect pose.

She makes for a great model. I got off my butt and I walked to the kitchen. I stretched my arms over my head and yawned. I gave her dog food and I put it away. Fluffy was a all around perfect dog. I loved her so much. As she was eating I pulled out food for me.

I had vegan pad Thai for myself. After I had dinner I cleaned the kitchen. I went to my bedroom to relax. As I was laying in my bed with Fluffy I was watching tv. I kinda felt like someone was watching me from my window. I'm on the second floor so I thought it was just my imagination. After awhile it was midnight. Both of my parents got home.

I went down the stairs and made black coffee. My dad was starting to make dinner as my mom changed into yoga clothes. She was going to do Pilates well my dad made dinner for the both of them. My mom already put a timer on and moved her colors on the work board.

My dad took off all his sticky notes that were on the refrigerator. They we're very unorganized. He threw them away and made new ones. Before they went off to do their own thing they gave me a hug and kiss. I watched them hustle around. I made me ramen as a midnight snack. I went back up to my room to sleep.

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