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Fern's POV

It was a brand new day and I was at lunch with Daisy and Alieen. I noticed that Daisy's favorite color was baby blue. It looked amazing on her because it matched her eyes. I think they noticed my favorite color is green. All I do is wear sage green.

"Let's eat" said Daisy. We we're all getting to know each other pretty well. I think I became best friends with them. I showed Daisy my dog Fluffy and she fell in love with her. I guess Daisy really loves pets. That's all she wanted to talk about at lunch today.

Alieen was talking about a lake that was near my house. We talked more about my family and where I can from. I told them I was the daughter of two doctors and how I moved from another state. I lived close to New Jersey. It was the outskirts from there.

I told them that I was very shy. They both brought me out of my comfort zone a little since I didn't want to be lonely at lunch. They kept asking me questions about myself and I answered them honestly. I was getting used to being their friends. They we're funny to be around since they are twins.

Daisy and Alieen both wanted to be different things. For example Daisy wanted to be a vet. I honestly thought it was a pretty cool idea. Alieen wanted to be a Liberian. I told them that I wanted to work at a flower shop. I told them how I always wanted a greenhouse. They liked the idea a lot.

I was building strong friendships at my new school. Daisy and Alieen made me feel like I fit in. They told me they liked my fashion. Today I wasn't that hungry since I had heart shape cheerios this morning. I tried to eat my kale salad with roasted chickpeas, fries, and Vega mayo.

It was a medium sized lunch. I also had a fuji apple for snack for when I get hungry later at the library. Me and Alieen we're going to hangout there later. Daisy was going to the fashion club instead. I was glad to be getting to know them. As a senior I don't have that much longer until graduation.

I don't know who else I will talk to in this tiny town. Daisy was going off about her fashion designs. "I honestly love being In the fashion club" said Daisy. She was going off about the designs they came up with. I guess they will have a fashion show soon.

Daisy really loves the girls they work with. She really loves her sister too. I think she wants to use her as a model. Alieen is the older sister by two minutes. Daisy loves to step out into new outfits she creates from the picture she showed me on her phone.

I was glad to be friends with Daisy because she was really talkative and confident. She was really comfortable talking to me. I kept rubbing my arms still feeling shy. I didn't want them to include me just because I didn't know anyone else.

I knew that Daisy liked to hangout at the lake that was near my house. Daisy was still talking about pets that she would love to have. I figured out that her favorite animal is a bunny. She even wanted to put a bunny in the fashion show. I thought it would be cute. Of course Alieen just laughed since the bunny would win every time.

Daisy said that was the plan. I liked hanging out with the Periwinkle girls. They we're just like me. I want a greenhouse and Daisy wants a veterinary clinic. Alieen wants her own library. I think that the town should have these. The town is so small that they don't even have these things here.

I thought it was really sad. A flower shop would make things more beautiful. More animals will be taken care of at a veterinary clinic. More kids will open their hearts to books with a library. The only thing around here is a bistro and store.

I never knew the town was this small. I mean it's a town but there is literally nothing to do here. I hoped to see the town during the weekend but I guess I already been everywhere. I just wanted to hangout with them outside of school at least.

I just made friends and I didn't want to lose them. Daisy is really outspoken and a delight to be around. Alieen is relaxed and more comfortable to also be around just as much. They are completely different from each other but we all get along so well.

They may be twins but they are funny together. "Hey maybe we can all hangout at the lake" said Daisy. "That's a great idea" said Alieen. "Sounds like fun" I said after I took a bite of my kale salad. I was eating my food as they planned what day they would like to go. I could go whenever since my family isn't ever home.

Since they are both doctors they are hardly ever around. When my mom is around she is doing pilates. My dad is busy doing doctor visits even outside of the hospital. He makes dinner after he gets home. I make my own just in case.

They love eating steak and chicken so sometimes I have to make me something else. I don't know how they could eat meat after they had to cut into a person to help them. I hated to eat dinner with them at a young age because they grossed me out.

We would have some type of meat and they would tell me how they had to remove a liver. I don't know how they could be fine with eating meat after doing that. That's one reason why I am vegan. It's also for animals but my biggest reason is my parents. That's my biggest problem with my parents.

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