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Rhys's POV

Everyone either followed Gideon towards the last blood truck that was leaving tonight. I was chasing after them even my my brother and sisters were stopping me. They we're coming after they got the bloodlings someplace safe. They can't be out in the sun and it's almost dusk. Morning is coming.

The clan community will keep them safe. I would go and check on Fern but I know only Gideon was allowed in. His invitation is the only one necessary. I had to follow him. In that truck is more than just blood it's Fern's parents too. I lost mine and I can't have her lose hers too.

I ran through the forest and I heard a lot of hissing. I finally made it the road. I turned around to find vampires kicking Evelyn and Henry out of the ambulance. A security guard was on the floor well Clove and Annabel were eating his flesh. The smell of blood was delightful. I almost missed human blood. The horrid screams were beautiful.

That was until I heard Evelyn scream. I used my vampire speed to place her quickly behind me after they threw her out of the truck. She rolled on the floor from when they threw her. "That was fast" said Gideon as he had his hand on Henry's throat. I heard Evelyn crying in panic. "What are you" she sobbed.

"We are vampires. Tell Fern I said hi" said Gideon as he forced his fangs in Henry's throat. The loud screams were all I heard until his blood was sucked dry. I hissed at him to back off. "Rhys" said Evelyn in tears and in screams. I couldn't have this happen. I quickly picked up Evelyn and held her close to me.

I was protecting Fern's mom. "Evelyn please come with me" I said to her. She nodded her head and I quickly picked her up in my arms and I ran off right away. I made no effort on looking back. Evelyn kept crying. "I'm so sorry" I said to her. "Are you one of them" she asked me as tears fell down her face.

"I am a vampire but I won't ever harm you. I am in love with your daughter" I told her as she kept sobbing in my arms. She was beyond devastated to see her husband being killed by a true monster. "Does Fern know" she asked me quietly. "Yes" I said to her. She nodded her head.

"The people she knows are vampires are her friends" I said to Evelyn. She needs to know what we will protect her. I can't be pulled away from Fern more because her father was killed. I tried everything to protect them. The other vampires were gone from sight. Bloodlings that followed him we're eating.

The forest smelled of blood from the ambulance drivers. I could tell from how loud the hissing sound was echoing in the background. The sky was becoming brighter. The sun was almost up. "The sun" said Evelyn as I saw it brightly in her eyes.

The forest had a gloomy and breathtaking look. The landscape had to be covered in blood. I heard the screams as the sun was already shining above the horizon. Bloodlings can't last in the sun. They can hide here all they want. I'm not staying here any longer then I have too.

I got Evelyn to her house. "Fern" cried Evelyn as soon as she walked outside. "Mom" said Fern who looked confused. Her smile turned to a frown instantly. "Your father was murdered" said Evelyn. "What" said Fern in disbelief. "Gideon" I said as she looked to me and back at her mom. "No" she said.

I saw as her tears formed in her eyes. It was like watching air being sucked out of her. She clanged onto her chest as she sat on the door steps. I kneeled down beside her. Evelyn sat down too and held onto her. They both clang to each other as they cried. "The body will be reported soon" I said quietly.

"I will take care of everything" I said to them. Evelyn nodded her head. "I will have everything ready for you two" I said to both of them. Fern gave me her hand and I brushed my thumb against the back of her hand. She needed comfort and support. It's the thing they need the most. I am here for them.

I was thinking about marrying Fern. Her family was going to be mine even after my parents casted me out. My family will just have to deal without me. "Rhys" said my sisters voice. I knew they weren't far behind. Fern looked up to see my family and her friends. Everyone I trusted was here.

"Brother the bloodlings are out of town" said Eleora. "We saved everyone we can" said Ezekiel. "Everyone is gone" said Neoma. I heard them as they sounded weak and soft. They we're in so much pain. We could live without our parents since we are ten thousand years old but it still hurts losing family members. I turned to Fern. "This is my family" I told her.

"Both my parents have been killed along with the elders" I told her. I saw her and Evelyn give me sad eyes. We all felt the same way. "Fern" said Daisy with a soft smile. I saw Fern look past me. She saw everyone that she became friends with. "We are not like them" I told Evelyn. She nodded her head.

"Fern" said a weak raspy quiet broken voice. We all looked at Alieen who spoke up. "Alieen" said Fern as she got up to hug her. "We need to get inside" said Evelyn. We nodded our heads and followed her to the door. "She is weak" said Fern as she helped Alieen inside. "I can take a look" said Evelyn.

They invited us inside and we sat there waiting to see what will happen next. "I am sorry for not trusting you brother" said Eleora. I looked at her as we sat on the other small couch. "I'm happy for you and her" said Eleora. Ezekiel gave me a smile. "You two deserve each other" said Neoma. I knew it was true.

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