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Fern's POV

Today was crazy after what happened. Rhys's family all came to the house. Me and my mom had to be watched. Alieen was brought to the house along with my friends. We put Alieen upstairs in my parents bedroom. Talon was watching over her. We were all looking for help.

Dean and Daisy stayed upstairs to guard if Gideon was going to come back. I was sitting on the couch with everyone else on the second floor. "Why won't Gideon leave me alone" I asked out loud. "Because he hates leaving a prey unfinished" said Ezekiel.

"I understand what that feels like but this is ridiculous" said Ezekiel as he took a second to finish talking. I noticed a few things about Ezekiel. He was the only one in the living room with me. My mom and Eleora were in the kitchen talking. Neoma and Rhys were at the back door.

Ezekiel was becoming very easy to read. Rhys told me that he was the big bad vampire but I didn't see that. Ezekiel was scared just like everyone else. He was pretending so his family wouldn't be scared. Everyone is weak now except Rhys. He may be the only one who can beat Gideon.

Ezekiel was wanting to put a end to Gideon's madness. Every time someone walked past the house Ezekiel will play with his knuckles. He would either pop them or just fidget them. He kept looking outside and everyone he saw was a threat. Another one of his fingers would pop.

When he sat down he popped his finger. If he thought he saw something in the distance another finger would pop. If he saw tons of birds in the distance fly away in a group he would pop another one of his fingers. He already popped five of his fingers just on one hand.

I don't blame him for doing that. I keep covering my hands as if I am safe. I felt a little more at ease when I cover my hands with my sleeves. It's my only way of feeling comfort after what happened. I didn't want to be touched like that. I was forced to deal with it. None of this was fair to me. I was scared even more.

I heard Ezekiel pop another one of his fingers on his left hand. After a few more minutes another pop came from his fingers. We shouldn't have to deal with this. I got up to go find Rhys. I needed to know if he was okay. Last night was heavy on all of us. I could have been touched by Gideon and Rhys got there in right on time.

I walked outside in the backyard. "Hey" I said to Rhys and Neoma. They both looked at me. "I have to leave. I could be craving your blood" said Rhys as he put his head down. "Okay" I said understanding what it must have been like. Vampires really do need the last drop of blood. Rhys only had a taste.

Within a few seconds I saw Rhys leave. "Come here" said Neoma as she patted the swing seat beside her. I walked over and sat down. I started to swing myself back and forth. "Don't take it personally" said Neoma. "I won't I just want to know what he feels" I told her. I watched as she nodded her head.

"We'll he will protect you from anything from happening to you. I know last night was a close call" said Neoma as she put her hand on my shoulder. I forced a half smile. "Yeah" I said quietly. "Don't worry about him. We are here too" said Eleora as she walked outside. I smiled at them. I knew they were doing it because we were all close together.

"Time to eat" said Eleora. I could smell the dead animals from inside. "I will stay here" I told them. They nodded their heads and walked inside. I saw as Rhys returned. A little trickle of blood was on his clothes. "I have to eat more animals now" said Rhys.

I nodded my head. "I'm sorry" he said as he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back not ready to see all the animals in the kitchen. Rhys has to eat more animal flesh so he doesn't remember how good my blood tasted. Human blood is what they crave. Now that he has had more then a pint who knows how badly he wants to drain me.

I trust him and I know this scares him. I'm not scared of him. I wish I could give my blood to each of the but I can't. None of them will have the power to pull away. Alieen will drink all my blood within seconds. I told them about it but they turned me down. They still need a human capsule.

I don't know how they will have the time to find one before Alieen becomes worse. She can barely walk. It's like she is really is a walking corpse. As if she is rotting. I feel so bad for Talon. I haven't seen him or her. I know Talon is struggling with helping her condition from becoming worse.

I held onto Rhys even tighter. This couldn't be the end of us. I love Rhys so much that I would want to be apart Of his life forever. I am scared of what Gideon has up his sleeves. I never want to see him again. As the time comes I'm scared of what will happen next. I was terrified of everything he did.

Me and Rhys stayed together in the comfort of each other's arms. Both of us didn't want to leave. The silence was peaceful. We didn't do anything to deserve this. I looked into Rhys's eyes. I saw how pure they were. He was more human then what my parents were. How was I so lucky to meet the love of my life.

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