Blood Stain

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Fern's POV

Today my parents stayed home because we had a doggie funeral. My parents had Fluffy buried. We had invited a few people over. It was people from my parents work. I was going to invite Rhys but I was busy getting everything ready. My parents just wanted people over.

They wanted to socialize well I wanted to be alone with my best friend. She was gone and now I was going to be all alone in this big house. My favorite animal in the world is gone. I tried to stay positive because guests were over but I honestly wanted to cry. Even the sky was crying.

It was so gloomy outside. It was cold and it was raining. I was sitting in the living room looking at Fluffy's pictures. She really was a great poser. I loved taking her photos. I had all her recent selfies from when we moved here. They we're going to be the last ones that I will ever have of her.

Just as people were walking in I heard the door bell ring. I went to go answer it. I got up off the couch and to the doors. I opened it to find Gideon standing in front of me. His red hair blowing in the wind. He had a smile on his face. It was a very creepy smile.

"What are you doing here" I whispered to him. "Came to see the show" said Gideon. He couldn't enter the house. I knew that but I wasn't going to slip any of my words. I knew he had a plan. I just needed to know what he is hiding.

"Why" I said to him. I was blocking the door. "I heard what Annabel and Dahlia did. The suffering must hurt. She barely did anything but that's still a dirty trick" said Gideon. I heard him sniff the air. "Smells good" he said as he looked at me.

"I'm a lot more scarier than they are. Only vampires who lived longer could walk in sunlight. Our vampire court are one of the twelve vampire courts. We even have a vampire royal family. They live in Transylvania so we run our own show. A human capsule is still needed before one of us runs dry" said Gideon.

"I honestly wanted a taste. The last drop was all mine last time. Poor Alieen won't make it because of me" said Gideon as he continued on with his story. Just then I hear my dad from behind me. "Who is this" he asks me. "A person from school" I told my dad. He walks up behind me to get a better view.

"Come on in" said my dad. Just then Gideon pushed my arm away from the door and walked into the house. "Thank you sir" said Gideon as he tilt his head. "I like this one" said my dad jokingly. My dad walked away after Gideon said "thank you."

"If only he knew. Those blood bags are going to be ours" said Gideon as he walked towards the kitchen. I quickly closed the door behind him. I followed him hoping he wouldn't start any trouble. I wanted to run to my phone and call Rhys but I knew he was faster then I was. He would be up the stairs faster then me.

I was in trouble. Now Gideon was able to be in the house whenever he wants. This was an actual nightmare. I couldn't even be sad over Fluffy anymore. Instead I was panicking to the moon and back. I was so afraid of what Gideon will do now. He is a actual monster and he is worse then the girls.

Annabel may have killed Fluffy but I knew that the true monster is Gideon. He must have took Alieen's last drop of blood to make himself stronger and healthier. Rhys even admitted it to me. They are scared of what he will do next. I don't want to cross him but yet here he is in my house.

We are having a party full of people with a wild card. I wanted to be smart so I tried talking to him the whole time. "Like the show" I told him. I watched as he looks around. "Not quit what I expected but it looks like a nice party" said Gideon. He shrugged his shoulders as if he was relaxing.

"Come on Leticia tell me your secrets" said Gideon. I looked at him confused. "What" I said to him off guard. "Why you still love our charming quiet Rhys" said Gideon as he grabbed a drink. He took a sip as I stared at him. "Into vampires now" he said with a smirk. "I didn't until I met him" I said honestly.

"You going to lose your virginity to him now Leticia and start to eat meat and change to a walking corpse" said Gideon. "No" I said as I looked at him disgusted. How could he ruin every conversation we ever had. "Also my name is Fern" I told him. He took another sip of his drink and ignored me.

"Like I care. Leticia just sounds better" said Gideon as he gulped his drink down. He put it on the counter and looked up at me. I watched as Gideon ran his hands in his red hair. "I'm sorry for ruining your mood" he said as he looked up at me.

I rolled my eyes at him. He didn't mean that at all. "You came to see me crying" I told him. "You are just upset. Maybe you should relax" he said to me. I scuffed at him for saying that. "You are just so immature" Gideon said to me. I was starting to get pissed at him for saying that.

"You are a typical girl" said Gideon as he grabbed a bite to eat. "What to you is typical" I asked him. "A love sick lost puppy looking for attention" he said to me. I stayed quiet not trying to listen to this. I just wanted him to leave but I knew it was going to be awhile until he was going to leave my house.

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