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Fern's POV

Me and Rhys were eating at the garden were Annabel killed Fluffy. Rhys helped me make a little thing for her. When we took our break I was glad to be eating one of my comfort foods. I had a strawberry smoothie bowl with granola and blueberries. I was so sad to have her gone.

Rhys gave me flowers and I thought that they were so pretty. As we we're out here I saw as Rhys froze. I stood up and put my food down. "Dean" said Rhys as he looked like he was huffing and puffing. "What's wrong" I asked him. I saw as he took a step towards us. "The elders are here" said Dean breathlessly.

Me and Rhys both looked at him in shock. I didn't know what this meant for the both of us. "Clove is back" said Dean once he caught his breath. I watched as Rhys took a step back in surprise. I looked at the ground knowing he didn't like that.

I mean he was in love with her. They we're both going to get married right here in this garden. "Rhys I'm sorry to ruin this moment but we have to go" said Dean. I looked at the both frantically. What did this mean for me. Was I going to be in danger.

"Go home and don't let anybody in" said Rhys. I nodded my head and grabbed my stuff. Rhys turned to me. I looked into his eyes and he gave me a hug. "It will be okay" he said to me. I hugged him tighter. We were about to pull away but Rhys kissed my forehead. After that I took off home as fast as possible. I didn't know what to do.

Rhys's POV

I turned to Dean once I saw Fern was gone. Me and Dean used our vampire speed to rush home. As we got to the house we opened the doors and stepped inside. As we closed the door behind us I saw the whole court here. I was kinda nervous of what will happen and if me and Fern can be together.

"Israel it's nice to see you again" said the elder as he saw my father. "Aidric" my dad said as he saw him. My eyes shifted from both of them. They had to come here and not for usual reasons. "Where is that poor girl" said Aidric as he searched the room. "Alieen is upstairs in her bedroom" my dad said.

"Maryella it's so nice to see you again" said Aidric's wife Melantha. They both hugged each other happy to see one another. Just then my brother and sister walked down the stairs with my adopted sister. They both waited for me to join them. "Your late" said Eleora in a quiet voice. She hated to be off schedule.

"Calm down Eleora" said my brother Ezekiel. "You two are so bossy" said Neoma as she slumped her back as she was standing. "Fix your posture" said Eleora as she hissed at her. Neoma shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't care. I watched as Eleora straightened her posture for her.

"Hey that hurts" said Neoma. "Should have done it yourself" said Eleora with a hmph. Ezekiel was trying to hold in his laughter as they were arguing with each other. I shook my head and stood up straight. I didn't want to be on anyone's bad side today. I needed them to accept me and Fern.

"Where we're you" said Eleora. "Out" I said trying to face straight. "Don't do that again. We may need their blessings" said Eleora. She was wearing a purple dress. Ezekiel was dressed in a nice suit. Neoma was suffering in her dress that Eleora must have forced her to wear. I was dressed normally.

"Thank you for inviting us" said Aidric as he saw Dahlia. Of course she would run up to them as quickly as possible. She only wanted to be on their good side too. "No problem. I knew only the greatest should have a invitation" said Dahlia with a kiss ass voice. She clang to his arm to walk him around.

"The Sepperin family children" she said introducing us. He knew us but she loved to be in control. "Thank you for coming" said Eleora properly. Ezekiel just bowed his head at the same time. Neoma did a curtsy when Eleora elbowed her. I saw that she was giving Eleora the biggest glare for doing that.

"Sir" I said as I bowed my head just like Ezekiel. "You two will make an outstanding couple" said Aidric. "Thank you for the opportunity to set up our arrangement" said Dahlia. "Of course" said Aidric as he moved along with Dahlia glued to his arm. I rolled my eyes once they were gone.

"Really" said Eleora already upset with Neoma. "What" Neoma said not paying attention to her. "You two need to quit it" said Ezekiel. The three of them went off on each other after that. Both of my sisters hate being told what to do. I can't imagine dealing with this for as long as I have.

This is why I never mentioned my family. Usually Ezekiel is gone trying to see the world. Eleora is the head of the house. Neoma is causing trouble and keeping her on her toes. My father and mother are trying to go to ever council meeting every month. I knew this was bad news and it was just going to get worse when I saw Clove walk in.

She flipped her hair and entered towards the hall. She is the daughter of a elder. She was always used to mansion living. If I had to reduce Clove to a single word it would be coward. I say this because she ran away the day of our wedding. She lived in the shadows after the smoke cleared. I understand that it was scary when people burned down the altar but she was scared of commitment unlike me.

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