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Fern's POV

Me and Rhys were hanging out at the Bristo. I had to tell him about what happened yesterday. We had gotten food and drinks. Of course I was eating oats with banana, mango, and peanut butter. I had a matcha latte. Rhys was eating pizza and soda.

"You know I'm starting to like hanging out with you more and more" said Rhys as he looked at my food. I laughed and took a sip of my drink. "I feel the same way and I'm so happy" I told him as I mixed my straw in my drink. I was still uneasy about what happened. I knew he noticed it too.

"What's wrong" he asked me. "Gideon came over yesterday for Fluffy's funeral" I said with tears in my eyes. Rhys put his hand on my face to calm me. He had whipped away my tears. "He was invited in" I told Rhys as he looked at me in fear.I felt like the whole room stop when Rhys looked at me.

"You have to invite me in" said Rhys. "I will" I told him. We both knew this was huge news. "It will be okay, I will be there to protect you" said Rhys. "I know" I said as he pulled me in for a huge. I felt safe in his arms as he moved my ponytail out of my face.

"I'm just glad to share this moment with you" I told Rhys. As he had his arm around me Rhys handed me a poem. I laughed at his gesture. He kept his arm around me. I smiled at him ready to read it. "It's a love poem just for you" said Rhys. I couldn't help but blush at the words he said.

I read the beautiful words he said to me. I held the poem close to my heart and I smiled at him. Rhys was looking at me with admiration. "Oh Rhys" said Dahlia. We turned in shock to see her again. "I thought that was you. Am I interrupting" she said.

"Yes" said Rhys as he gave her a dirty look. "Don't blame me for anything" she said to me. I rolled my eyes at her. "At least Alieen was feeling better" she said to us. I saw Rhys giving her a death stare to leave. We both knew how she was.

She was paler and she was coughing up blood. Animal blood is getting worse for her to eat. Drinking all of that instead of human blood could kill her faster. They can't hunt the humans in this town or hunters will be after them. The court doesn't want to have any trouble with them.

That's why they don't hunt humans. They just collect one capsule to last them their lifetime then they get a new one. They go for teenagers so that when they get really old they last longer. I think Gideon finds them to have expectation dates. I find him disgusting in every aspect. Just the way he thinks is wrong.

As Dahlia was with us I leaned more about her. She tries to follow the council's footsteps. I mean she obviously wants to be apart of them so bad that she tried to marry her way to the top. She specializes in ruining relationships that she doesn't like. Mostly mine if I didn't have anything to say about it.

She tried to push people out of the way just for her gain. She likes to use everything to her advantage proficiently. She tried her best to ruin what other people want in their lives. She likes to be in control even in other places too. The school and the vampire council. Everything she does is rotten.

I mean if you think about it Annabel is one of her minions. She is like her dog. She has to do everything Dahlia says. I don't see how they truly could be friends without making one be a slave. It's hard enough to be around Dahlia but being with both is a nightmare and even more so after they killed Fluffy over some wicked plot.

I would say it was very unnecessary. "Those look perfect like me" said Dahlia as she pointed out deserts in the Bristo  showcase in the counter. "Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous" she said as she even flipped her hair. Just as she was sitting with us a few guys looked our way. I couldn't believe her at all.

"Don't look at me unless you are Rhys" said Dahlia as she looked at them and then gave Rhys a grin. I watched as he rolled his eyes and grab my hand. "Remember we used to to that. It's honestly a throw back" said Dahlia as she put her hand over both of ours. We both pulled away quickly.

We didn't want her to touch us. "I'm waiting for you to come back Rhys" said Dahlia as she gave me a dark smile. I honestly hated being here of course but I was wanting to eat. I was hungry and I didn't care how bad Dahlia ruined my appetite. It was hard for us to get any time together because we think something bad is about to happen.

We both continued to eat until Dahlia was trying to make me spill my drink. She was trying to shove me away. "Enough" said Rhys as he snapped at her. We both watched as Dahlia hissed quietly. "You will regret this" she said as she glared at me. If looks like her weren't so menacing she might look average.

"Leave us alone" hissed Rhys even louder. Everyone was too busy to even notice what was going on. They both showed their fangs. Dahlia licked her teeth with her tongue. Rhys slammed his hand in the table that even made me cower from him. "Now" said Rhys demanding that she left. I stayed there looking at him. He honestly looked good demanding her to go.

I watched as Dahlia huffed as if she was the big bad wolf from a kids story book. She looked pained but nobody cared. She could probably get anyone else but she just wants Rhys's title. I will never do that to Rhys. I leaned against him feeling a little more at peace. The quiet made us happier together.

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