Chapter 1

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Just a little disclaimer that I want to put out there. I am in no way a writer so please excuse any spelling mistakes or mistakes in general. Im taking my own twist on the story with some similarities to the film. If you have any suggestions please comment them and yeah... I hope you enjoy :)

I've never been a fan of company. Ive always kept to myself. You'd think being the adopted daughter of the mighty Tonowari and Ronal I would be used to it by now. I'm not. Im the quieter one out of my adopted siblings. I get on with both my siblings, Tsireya I can always go to for advice and much needed girl time. Aonung is like my best friend, we have always been close and he is very protective over me, its so sweet. 

I woke up earlier than usual this morning so I headed out for a morning swim, I love the water so much, it is so peaceful and refreshing. I swam towards the bright coral reef and watched the tiny fish moving in a group as I swam past. Ive never felt like a true part of the Metkayina people. I was found when I was a baby by Tonowari and Ronal and they bought me up like their own daughter, but I still feel out of place, who are my parents? why did they leave me? 

I am pulled out of my thoughts as a load horn blows above the water. I wonder what that could be I thought. I summoned my Ilu and slowly made my way to the bridge where the noise came from. As I get to the shore my Ilu swims away happily and I begin to leave the water, I move the strands of long black hair from my face as I walk towards the growing group of Metkayinas. 

"What is going on?" I whisper to myself.

I gently make my way to the centre of the group near Tsireya to be met by a group of dark blue looking Na'vi. There was a tall one who I'm assuming is the leader and a Slim woman which I guess is his mate. I work my eyes across the group taking in each one. There are two girls, one smaller than the other, she's cute and the other wrapping herself uncomfortably in some sort of fishing net? 

I continue to observe the group and my eyes make their way towards a boy, he looks around 20 and has short braids, his golden eyes meets my gaze and his worried expression automatically turns to a smile, I look away so he looks back to his father and I take notice of the other boy, he's smaller than the other and slightly slimmer, 18 maybe. He has similar length hair and he notices me as I continue to walk towards them he looks nervous, eyes wide, he says to me "Hey." I just look away.

Aonung appears with his friends and has a disgusted look on his face.He gets closer to them. He says to his friends "Look at their tiny baby tails! How are they meant to swim?" while laughing. I give him a small shove and tell him to be quiet.

The horn blows again as my father arrives. He walks up to the group and greets the leader of the group. The leader greets my father as well as the rest of the group. 

"Tonowari i see you" he says.

"Jake Sully I see you" my father replies.

The group in turn say "I see you" to my father. 

My mother appears from the group and they repeat the same process. 

"Why have you come to us Jake Sully?" asked my father.

"I seek shelter for me and my family, a place to call home. The sky people were after us" he replies to my father. 

My father looks to my mother worried and she steps forward. She circles the group and looks at them all,  she grabs the mates tail and then the younger boys hand.

"They are not real Na'vi! They have demon blood, look at their hands!" She shouts to the clan.

Everyone starts to gasp and whisper to each other. The mate begins to hiss at my mother and my mother does the same back. Jake sully steps in and says with his hand up "Look, I was born of the sky people and now I am Na'vi. We can learn and adapt. We will learn and adapt." 

The mate steps forward and says "My mate was Toruk Makto" The gasps and whispers start again.

My mother steps forward " Why does the mighty Toruk Makto and his family need shelter from the sky people?"

Jake Sully replies "Im done with war and fighting, now I just wants a safe home for me and my family." 

My father looks to my mother sympathetically and she nods. 

"Toruk Makto and his family will live here with us. They will all adapt and learn our ways. They will be like babies taking their first breath. Treat them like our brothers and sisters." my father announces to the clan. 

Jake Sully thanks my father along with the rest of his family. 

"My children Aonung, Tsireya and Y/N will teach your children all they will need to know." Me and Aonung turn to look at our father sharply. "What?!" we both reply. He gives us a silent look and we both turn away. Tsireya breaks the ice and says "We will show you where you will stay now, follow us."

I sigh as I grab a box from the families belongings and lead them towards their hut. I can feel eyes burning into the back of my head. Tsireya shows them in and I escape as soon as I place their box down in the hut. I jump into the water to cool down. 'Why me?!' I thought to myself. 

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