Chapter 35

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Belated Happy Birthday My Sassy Kong🥳


T/W and C/W:- contains suicide and death.

Few minutes later, Ras went outside and saw his mate curiously looking at the paper in his hand.

Ras: What is it, Kiet?

Kiet: What is it, P'?

Ras looked at the papers and thought for sometime before looking at Kiet.

Ras: It's the asset of Alpha Charong which he transferred to us.

Kiet: I understand by reading. But why?

Ras: Alpha Charong wants to give all movable and immovable assets.

Kiet: But P', I don't want any of these when I have you. For me, you are worth more than these assets.

Ras: It's not like I asked for it nong. Alpha says that he wants to transfer everything to the person who is going to rule this pack next. I said I don't want this. But he insists that, it's not it's me or you but whoever is going to be the Alpha and Luna of this pack will receive all these assets of Alpha Charong.

Kiet: But why everything? He didn't take one sas(Currency name in Cern Planet).

Ras: I don't know.

Kiet: What is he going to do after our coronation? Did he say something about this?

Ras: He said he wants us to inherit all assets after coronation.

Kiet: But it's not just like simple asset transfer but it's will. Every word looks like he is going to die tomorrow and before that he prepared his will to pass the inheritance immediately. It's….. P', did you miss to say something to me? Do you want to say something P'?

Ras done with this secret. He didn't tell Kiet about it because he thought he could still solve it by himself and….

Ras: Okay, but I don't want to share this with someone. I want this secret to be kept between us.

Kiet: I will. If it's not to share then I will keep this as a secret forever.

Ras: It all happened when I was 18 years old, I said na I like to go to that room and stay for sometime because it gives me a comfortable feeling. I like to read and do some school activities there. I think I am right about it's a comfortable place because whenever Alpha Charong couldn't sleep he would come inside and sleep. And It's almost everyday. Sleep is the oy way to forget everything and relax. But he couldn't sleep at all. Our family doctor prescribed so many pills for sleeping but he couldn't. He sometimes speaks in front of Grandma Wan or Hansa portraits or standing on the terrace looking around at the beauty of Black Raven pack or sometimes…….standing on the other side of the handrail in the terrace and………tried to kill himself.

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