
After dinner Alex and her friends retreated back into her room so that they could do whatever teenagers do. We do have a rule to keep the door open so we have some idea of what's going on. Once they've disappeared Amelia, Eve, and I make our way into the living room so we can start on wedding stuff, I am so excited.

Maya and Kai go into the basement to do... I don't know something. Yeah something.


So, for a while, Kai and I have been talking about doing something for Amelia. Just something for the wedding. We all know about Ryan, Amelia's one true love while she was taking drugs. She may have been high but what she felt with him is something special and Kai wants to honour it. Kai also wants to honour Christopher, Amelia's unicorn baby that sadly didn't survive minutes after birth. It's a touchy subject for Amelia, she isn't proud of her past, she still blames herself a lot. I think we're all very proud of her for staying sober and attending meetings.

Anyway, over the last few weeks we've been trying to track down Ryan's heart. You've heard that right! When Ryan died, his organs were donated. Apparently the amount of the drugs he took didn't affect his heart but his lungs so they were able to donate certain organs. Kai, being a doctor was able to go down the appropriate channels to find where all the organs were donated. We found who got the heart and decided that we'd call him tonight and ask if he could attend the wedding, hopefully it goes well. With honouring Christopher, it's a lot harder but we're finding a way of including him in the wedding too.

"Hi, Are you Anthony Rodriguez?" I question the person on my laptop screen.

"Yes I am, I was told I had an interview about my heart transplant" He replies. "Nice to meet you, This is Dr Kai Bartley and I am Chief Maya Bishop. The reason we wanted this meeting was to ask if you could attend an event for us, completely free. You see, your heart belonged to a man called Ryan who was loved wholeheartedly by a woman who is getting married in the next year. Although she is marrying someone else, we'd like to honour Ryan by having a part of him at the wedding. Do you think you'd be up for that?" I question

"That's a great story. I'm sure if you work out the date and give me enough time, I could probably work something out for you guys. I've always wondered who had my heart, maybe I can learn some things from her" He replies, causing both Kai and I to look at each other and smile.

"Thank you so much. We'll definitely stay in contact!" We say as we end the call. We fist bump and sigh with relief. Now on to the next part of the night, what can we do about honouring Christopher, we're stumped.


"Holy shit, you weren't lying about this place. Did you see that I nearly shat myself the whole time I was sat next to Maya, she's scary!" Ryan says in an actually scared tone.

"She's just protective. I loved how she tried to correct how you use a fork" I say joking which earned a glare from him.

"Bro, that was jokes. Seeing you panic because a 30-something glared at you once, grow up" Jess says. We hear a knock and Maya walks in "I'm 29 thank you, and I'm glad I scared you Ryan" She says before leaving. God knows what she's doing up here but seeing both of my friends absolutely terrified was too funny. I think I nearly wet myself.


After about half an hour, Jess got a call saying she needed to go home so it was just me and Ryan. We've been wanting some alone time. We decided to watch a movie, and when I say watch a film.. I mean we sit there for an hour and a bit and not pay attention. We chose the notebook; I've heard this theory that you can Notebook a guy. It's meant to be a natural cockblocker where they become emotional because of the story line and can't think about doing anything, so consider me a scientist because I am putting this theory to work. As we watch the movie, we naturally start to cuddle. I end up laying on him and it's so comfortable, we get to the end and we're both crying. The theory works! The credits play and we don't move to stop it. We just move to get more comfortable and stay in pure silence.

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