A loss like no other..

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It was Wednesday morning and it was the last swim meet of the year the championship and Zuma was determined to win. Then it was straight into Basketball as the first practice was on Monday and Chase was mad he couldn't play. Everyone was at school and talking before class.

Ahri: You are going to kill it today babe

Zuma: I hope so this is for all the marbles

Ahri: you are the sexiest and fastest swimmer I know I totally have faith you are going to crush it

Zuma: I can only go as fast as the rest of my team, and if they aren't fast then it slows me down

Rubble: yeah it sucks you are last but you can win it for everyone Zuma I know you can

Zuma: Thanks little dude

Rubble: I am the same age as you

Zuma: yes but much littler

Rubble: Shut up!

Everyone laughed despite Rubble being small he was a force to be reckoned with as he was built tough and would tear anyone apart if they pissed him off. 

Zuma couldn't wait for the day to end as he just wanted to get the swimming competition over with and take home the trophy. It was lunch time and Zuma was in a swim team meeting and everyone else was eating lunch and talking.

Marshall: Everest I want you to come over after school tomorrow and meet Lizzie she is dying to meet you

Everest: Aw sounds cute I would love too, is your dad going to be there?

Marshall: Nah he works but he's okay with it

Everest: Sounds like fun I can't wait to meet her

There was a beep and Principal Ryder's voice came over the PA

Principal Ryder: Chase and Everest Hunter please come to the office

They both looked at each other and became nervous as they made their way to the office wondering what was going on. Chase moved a bit slow he hated the crutches so much. They saw their Aunt May she appeared to be crying and they knew something was up.

Aunt May: Let's step outside for a minute okay

Chase: No just tell me

Everest: What?

Aunt May: I am sorry guys they found your father

Everest: Alive right? they found him alive?

Aunt May: I am so sorry honey

Everest fell to the floor she couldn't believe what she was hearing, Chase stood there as if someone punched him in the stomach. 

Chase: are you sure it was him?

Aunt May: they are sure Chase, I am so sorry 

Aunt May hugged Everest who was sobbing on the floor, she was also crying. Chase just couldn't believe it as he sat on a chair. Principal Ryder walked up to them, 

Principal Ryder: you two should go home, I will let your teachers know you are leaving.

Aunt May took her niece and nephew home and Everest and Chase laid on his bed and Chase did everything he could to comfort his sister.

Everest: this has to be some sort of joke

Chase: I wish it were Everest, I still can't believe it

Everest: Why like I miss him

Chase: I know me too, 

Everest: where do we go from here?

Chase: I am assuming we stay here I am not sure, Aunt May hasn't said anything

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