Plan of action

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Zuma's phone rang and he took a breath before answering his mom was facetiming him, he was prepared for the lecture.

Zuma: Hello

Lyle: Really Zuma fighting? 

Zuma: I was hardly doing anything we were attacked by some idiots and I was just trying to defend my friend

Lyle: Still you know better, I know grounding you with us so far is useless because we can't control what you do. 

Zuma: ground me if you want my friends all hate me anyways

Lily: What why?

Zuma: Its a long story, I will just be at home alone so do what you need too

Lily: Zuma what did you do?

Zuma: I invited a girl inside the house, and it sort of ended badly, Kol told Ahri she caught us making out and this girl is hated among the group so yeah

Lily: This sounds complicated, I am sure you and your friends will work it out

Zuma: whatever

Lyle: Well just don't do anything for the next few days and your mom will be home on Sunday

Zuma: cool

Zuma ended up hanging up he didn't expect that to go so well he expected some sort of punishment. Zuma decided to play video games until Kol came home from school, he also ordered a pizza.

Skye was not taking her grounding so well, she was pissed and to top it all of Coral was still there taunting her.

Coral: I love how I get under your skin so much

Skye: don't talk to me

Coral: I have no one else to talk too and are you going to hate me forever?

Skye: yes you are a bitch and you tried to do it again by making us all hate Zuma. I mean why did you even make out with him

Coral: I don't know he was cute, Rocky was my real target but he turned me down, then I wanted to go for Chase just to piss you off. Zuma was just there and well it sort of happened

Skye: I can't believe you just find your own friends

Coral: I did Claw and Arrby

Skye: they are hardly friends, they are both idiots and so are you, I can't wait for you to leave

Coral: I may be leaving Skye but I will always be around

Skye: I hope not just stay away from me and my friends

Coral's mother arrived and she spoke to Kylie for a few minutes before leaving, Skye looked at her mom.

Kylie: things didn't go well on the cruise, and now she has to deal with this

Skye: I am just glad she is gone

Kylie: you know I raised you better than this the constant hatred towards others is not you

Skye: well I only hate bullies and she bullied me my whole life, 

Kylie: I never understood that anyways I have to go to work

Skye was left home alone until Rocky came back from school, she kinda liked the peacefulness of the house. 

The others were having lunch and talking about the fight, 

Leah: this whole things just sucks, I mean Chase and Zuma were innocent

Rocky: I don't know Principal Ryder didn't really have much of a choice, they were all basically fighting even if Zuma and Chase were just defending each other.

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