Trying to cope..🍋

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Rocky was finally released from the hospital and he was taking some new medication, he didn't really feel like it was helping yet. Kylie was there to pick him up and she smiled at him,

Kylie: how you feeling honey?

Rocky: I don't know, I just don't feel like talking

Kylie: okay you don't have to but I am here for you no matter what

Rocky: okay

They drove home and Skye was also happy to see him but he just went to his room and closed the door. Skye looked hurt and she wondered if having a party for him was maybe not the best idea.

Kylie: he just needs some space honey, 

Skye: last time we gave him space he tried to kill himself

Kylie: Skye don't push him okay, he is doing the best he can. Let him be please, his whole life has been nothing but a shit show and he needs to get over it in his own way.

Skye: Okay mom but we want to through him a party

Kylie: give him a few days he literally just came home 

Skye: okay, I am going to see Leah can you keep and eye on him

Kylie: Of course

Skye left she was still wondering if maybe this party was a bad idea as she texted Leah and Chase. 

Skye: Hey Rocky still not feeling the best, locked himself in his room. Let's meet and Mr. Porter's to talk about party

Leah: Okay be there soon

Chase: Me too

Skye sat down after she ordered a chocolate milkshake as she waited for her boyfriend and best friend to show up. She smiled as she saw Chase walk in,

Chase: you are so beautiful

Skye: thanks babe, I am worried about Rocky

Chase: me too honestly, I wish I could go to prison and kill his dad and get away with it

Leah walked in and heard Chase,

Leah: me too honestly he is never going to let Rocky go and I honestly don't Rocky will be able to move on if he is still out there.

Chase: it just sucks, I wish I could just tell him it will be okay and have him believe me

Skye: my mom said he needs time but how much? I mean is he going to push us away forever?

Leah: I miss him and I know what it is like to lose someone to suicide, I have been through it with my brother and then almost again with my mom. Just the thought of almost losing him too, I just think maybe its me like I am the reason.

Chase: in this case Leah I assure you that you aren't, Rocky's issues stem from his father and not you. I hate that you think that because although I don't know what if feels like to lose someone to suicide I know what its like to lose someone. It sucks and I know the best way for us to help Rocky is to let him know we care.

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