Good plan or Bad plan..

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Dwayne looked at his brother and wondered what he meant,

Dwayne: why do you still want revenge? I mean haven't we done enough?

Hubcap: he hasn't suffered the half of it, you can't tell me you enjoy living with the mayor

Dwayne: I don't know its not all that bad, we have a bed to sleep in and she feeds us. So its not all bad

Hubcap: okay let me ask you this do you enjoy Gasket not talking to us?

Dwayne: she talks to us, I don't know man I feel like this is all bad

Hubcap: Dwayne you are either with me or against me

Dwayne: can I be with you but not participate?

Hubcap: no I will need you

Dwayne: okay but don't let this bite me in the ass please

Hubcap: if we do this properly no one will know it was us

Dwayne: what are we doing to do?

Hubcap: I don't know yet

Dwayne rolled his eyes at his brother but he just prayed he wouldn't get them both into trouble because he for one didn't want to go to military school.

The Winter Carnival had ended and it was Sunday evening and back to school tomorrow, Chase was sitting on the couch with Everest in the chair beside him.

Everest: I for one am glad Rocky fixed the ferris wheel and we were able to get down

Chase: it wasn't that bad, I think Marshall overreacted a bit

Everest: he was scared of falling he has a fear of heights and flying.

Chase: I get that but I mean if he wants to be a firefighter he is going to have to get over his fear of heights. Xayah was up there and she wasn't scared

Everest: everyone is afraid of something, if it was you in his shoes you wouldn't be so mean about it

Chase: I am not being mean I just think it was ridiculous

Everest: just like your ridiculous fear of the dentist right?

Chase: That is different! Dentists hurt you and I hate them

Everest: right and falling could hurt you too, so don't be such a prick

Chase: fine I will drop it jeez

Everest: thank you, 

Chase didn't say anything else he still thought it was ridiculous it was getting late so he decided to go to bed.

Chase: night

Everest: yeah goodnight

Everest headed upstairs and Chase downstairs.

The next morning it was hard for Chase to wake up his alarm was going off and he groaned, he could here Everest yelling at him.

Everest: Come on Chase get up

Chase: I am up

Everest: I don't believe you

Chase: I am coming Everest!

Everest: okay

A few minutes later Chase came upstairs, he looked tired

Everest: you look like you just crawled out of bed

Chase: well miss perfect I did

Everest: aw you think I am perfect that is so sweet

Chase: shut up Everest

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