A little hesitation

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Chase and Everest didn't have to wait long, there was a knock on the door, Aunt May went to open it.

Aunt May: you to ready?

Everest: yes

Chase: sure

Aunt May opened the door and she could tell right away how tough this was going to be the little girl look scared and sad.

Aunt May: Hi sweetie, I am Aunt May, would you like to come inside,

Social Worker: This is Xayah she is a little unsure, and still processing.

Aunt May: its okay honey you take your time, I want you to come meet your cousins Chase and Everest.

Xayah followed the social worker into the house and Everest thought she was super cute, Chase was hesitant.

Aunt May: Xayah this is Chase and Everest

Everest: hi, oh my word you are so cute

Chase: you are cute, I am sorry but Aunt May is super cool, you are going to like it here.

Xayah for some reason could not take her eyes off Chase, she studied him intently, Aunt May discussed things with the social worker and she left. 

Aunt May: what do you say we get you settled upstairs, and we can start on dinner

Xayah still hadn't said anything, she was still trying to figure this out,

Chase: she seems scared

Everest: I am sure you would be too, this is all new to her and she just needs time to adjust.

Aunt May was able to get her unpacked as she didn't have a lot of stuff, she decided on making spaghetti for dinner it was easy and she figured Xayah would like it.

Xayah sat on the couch holding onto a very old looking teddy bear, she was still staring at Chase,

Chase: hey I know you are scared, and I am sorry that you went through this. Is there anything you want to watch on TV, or do you want a drink?

Xayah: no

Chase: hey we got a word, that is a good start

Everest: don't overwhelm her Chase

Chase: I'm not she is watching me so I am trying to comfort her

Everest: maybe she finds you scary

Xayah: no

Chase: she thinks I am cool right Xayah?

Xayah: okay

Everest: she might be confused, 

Chase: yeah right you are just jealous she likes me better

Everest: we will see

It took a few days for things to settle down and Xayah was finally coming out of her shell, Aunt May wanted to get the basement done for Chase. Everest was visiting with Marshall,

Aunt May: Chase would you mind watching her for a bit, I need to get the basement done

Chase: I was going to go see Skye

Aunt May: go just take her with you, maybe go to a park

Chase: ugh fine, Xayah want to go to the park

Xayah: okay

Xayah was excited as she followed Chase, Skye told Chase she would meet him there, he just hope Xayah didn't get in they way.

Xayah played while Chase watched with Skye,

Skye: she is so cute

Chase: yeah but she doesn't talk much and its hard to know what she wants

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