The last straw

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Coral was not happy about going to this military camp and she most definitely wasn't going to give up. She wanted Skye to go down and she was going to get Chase one way or another she needed a plan before she was shipped off.

She saw Mayor Humdinger and he was talking to some weird robotic cat, 

Coral: hello

Mayor Humdinger: oh um hello

Coral: may I borrow that?

Mayor Humdinger: what meow meow?

Coral: yes please, I need it to take down an enemy

Mayor Humdinger: oh um sure 

Coral: thank you

Coral took meow meow and the remote, and she went do hunt down Skye,

Chase was at her house he was just leaving,

Skye: see you tomorrow

Chase: yes ugh school

Skye: its almost the end of the semester

Chase: yeah but a new semester awaits

Skye: just think Christmas is coming soon

Chase: yes always a plus with you

Skye: I love you Chase see you tomorrow

Chase: love you too and yes

Chase left closing the door behind him as he walked home. Coral was going to go for Skye but Chase was a much better option she put this metal cat to work and was able to take Chase out. She used meow meow to knock him down and out before he could even react. 

Then she made the cat carry him to her new hideout she was not going to let anyone send her away.

Coral: you will finally be mine Chase and there is nothing Skye can do about it!

She tied Chase to a bed and left him there while she figured out a plan.

Everest was getting worried, Chase should have been home by now.

Aunt May: Everest dear is Chase coming home? Its almost 10

Everest: I know and he told me was leaving like an hour ago, he should be here

Aunt May: where could he have gone?

Everest: I am not sure but I don't think its a good thing

Aunt May: have you tried calling him?

Everest: yeah it goes to voicemail

Aunt May: hmm and you are sure he is not still with Skye?

Everest: yes and now I have worried her, but she said she would talk to Brian

Aunt May: ugh this boy gives me nothing but grief

Everest: me too he is always in trouble

Meanwhile with Skye,

Skye: Brian Chase is missing

Brian: again!

Skye: its not his fault, he left like an hour ago and still hasn't shown up at home

Brian: and you checked with all your friends

Skye: well no but he would answer his phone

Brian: Skye I am not sure what I am meant to do here

Skye: you are the sheriff! you need to find him

Brian: we don't even know he is missing

Skye: I just told you he was and you said that last time and look what happened

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