Halloween Drama...

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The group minus Chase and Rocky as they were still grounded were at Mr. Porter's discussing Halloween,

Skye: I have the best idea

Leah: what is it?

Skye: we go trick or treating for a bit then head to the big haunted house

Abby: I hate haunted houses

Rubble: me too and there is always spiders

Zuma: I have Kol but he lives for that shit so I am in

Marshall: I have Lizzie too but if Kol is coming I am sure she would be down

Everest: this sounds fun its to bad Chase and Rocky are grounded

Skye: Rocky will be able to come he is not grounded anymore he is just being dumb and doing homework that he already completed

Zuma: cut him some slack he is trying to redeem his actions for being suspended

Skye: Can you maybe ask your Aunt if Chase can come?

Everest: I don't know, I can try but I think Chase should ask her

Skye: okay you tell him my idea

Everest: I can already hear his excitement

Everyone laughed they knew how excited Chase would get over things,

Everest: there is a winter carnival being set up too maybe we can do that on Sunday after

Skye: I love it! this weekend is going to be awesome

Ahri: given that Chase gets to come though right?

Skye: of course but either way it will be fun.

Everyone parted ways and Everest walked into her house Chase was already pleading with aunt may.

Chase: Please Aunt May its Halloween and I need to hang with my friends

Aunt May: I will make you a deal Chase

Chase: anything

Aunt May: you take Xayah trick or treating then you can hang with your friends

Everest: that works actually we all plan on going trick or treating anyways

Chase: okay deal

Xayah: yay trick or treating

Everest went upstairs to plan her costume she wanted to go as a devil and she needed to get her costume together.

Chase was going to be a police officer, Skye was going as a pilot but slightly sexier, Zuma was going as a surfer. Marshall was inspired by his dad and was going as a firefighter, Ahri was going to be the angel to Everest's devil. Rubble had a construction outfit planned and Abby was going as a doctor seeing as how she was a patient so much. Rocky was going to be a mad scientist and Leah was his robot creation. Lizzie was a princess and Kol wanting to impress her was going as her prince charming. Xayah was going as Tinkerbell her favorite fairy!

It was finally Saturday and the group was excited

Zuma: Kol you better listen today I don't need to worry about you plus I would rather not tell mom and dad you died

Kol: I am not going to die!

Zuma: good so you will listen

Kol: yes

Zuma: well we shall see

Kol: Lizzie is coming so

Zuma: oh and that makes all the difference I get it

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