Basketball and end of year exams

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Wednesday couldn't come any sooner for Chase and he was so glad he just needed to get through the school day.

Skye: Morning love

Chase: good morning

Skye: you seem to be in a good mood

Chase: Its game day!

Skye: right basketball

Chase: yes any sport really I love them all

Skye kissed him as the bell rang and everyone went to class, the day could not go any slower and Chase was getting annoyed. It was finally lunch

Rocky: you know staring at the clock actually makes the time move slower

Chase: it does not

Rocky: in a sense it does just like if you watch a pot of water boil it will take longer

Chase: I just want to play

Rubble: I hear you dude and I am also starving

Zuma: Not surprising there, but I feel like the more the year comes to and end the more my mom will be gone to Alaska. I have a feeling she won't let me stay home alone all summer

Rubble: you can come stay at my house my parents love you

Zuma: Thanks dude, I will have to see how things go

Ahri: you better not be gone all summer mister, and how is Kol?

Zuma: I hope not either, and who cares

Ahri: I do Zuma not having his parents is hard for him, he looks up to you and you are a jerk to him

Zuma: if he wasn't so annoying it would be easier

Skye: he is 10 and like Ahri said he is just trying to get you to notice him and do stuff he looks up to you

Zuma: Last time I let him play a game with me he threw a fit because he kept dying, I mean what more can I do?

Ahri: play a different game?

Zuma: Okay lets not talk about him anymore he is not even here and I am annoyed

Marshall: it does help when they have someone their own age to hang with, Lizzie keeps talking about him.

Zuma: just what I need 2 of them

Marshall: hey Lizzie is actually pretty good she doesn't really bother me

Zuma: Lets trade then you take Kol I will take Lizzie and we can see who is more annoying

Marshall: No thanks

Zuma: that's what I thought

Lunch ended and Chase had 2 more classes to get through and it was torture for him. He didn't mind that he was in class just that time was moving slow. He really didn't understand why but he tried doing what Rocky said and stopped focusing on the time. 

It was finally game time and all the teens made their way to the gym, both Skye and Ahri kissed their men and went on the sidelines to cheer for them. The cheerleaders were so much happier without Sweetie they felt like everything was more relaxed. 

The game was underway and the warriors were behind, the coach called for a time out

Coach: What are we doing out there? I mean we should be winning this game they are out playing us. Zuma, Rubble I want you blocking here and here and this will give Chase the opportunity to score here. Tracker you are little but don't be afraid to get in there. Let's go boys


Tracker used his small stature to steal the ball a few times and was able to pass to Chase who was best at making 3 pointers. They were able to tie the game going into the second half. 

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