Unexpected team 🍋🍆

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The next few days everyone kept busy they tried to make the most out of the summer, Brian moved in with Kylie, Skye and Rocky and things were looking up for Kylie.

Kylie was making breakfast and Brian was helping her, by putting things away

Kylie: that is not where that goes

Brian: I see well I did just move in here so excuse me if I don't catch on 

Kylie: Would you rather cook?

Brian: probably not a good idea, I am not a good cook and whatever you are making smells fantastic

Kylie: its breakfast, french toast 

Brian: right I knew that

Kylie: sure you did

Brian: hey not fair, missy I have been alone a long time

Kylie: I know

Skye and Rocky came downstairs and watched their mom flirt with Brian,

Rocky: this is weird

Skye: so cute!

Kylie: oh um how long have you been standing there?

Skye: not long

Brian: right well um back to putting this stuff away

Kylie: Skye can do it

Skye: sure mom

Rocky laughed this was nice he never felt so much at home and he hoped this never changed.

Brian: hey so Rocky I was hoping maybe you could help me with something

Rocky: sure

Brian: I want to upgrade some things on my computer think you can give me a hand

Rocky: absolutely

Brian showed Rocky what he wanted and Rocky was able to do it super quickly and Brian was impressed.

Brian: that was quick

Rocky: yup, and I upgraded your anti-virus too it was old

Brian: thanks Rocky

Rocky: No problem

They all sat down to breakfast, and after Skye and Rocky did the dishes, the doorbell rang. Skye went to answer. She was not expecting her visitor

Sweetie: I need your help

Skye: and what makes you think I want to help?

Sweetie: we both have the same goal, get Coral out of Adventure Bay

Skye: Okay I am listening

Sweetie: well I don't exactly have a plan yet 

Skye: I see well why all of a sudden do you want to help?

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