Zuma's Party

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Kylie drove to Ryder's house she was nervous but excited at the same time to pick up Rocky. She was hoping he would be excited to move in with her but she also worried he wouldn't want too. Kylie knocked on the door,

Ryder: Hello Kylie wasn't expecting you today

Kylie: I am here to see Rocky actually I found him a home

Ryder: really that is great news

Kylie: yes is he here

Ryder: yes I will get him

Ryder invited Kylie inside and went upstairs to get Rocky, and they both came down together.

Kylie: Hi Rocky how was your night?

Rocky: it was alright, Principal Ryder said you found me a home

Kylie: I did and I am very excited about it

Rocky: I am a bit nervous

Kylie: I understand that but I think you are going to be okay in your new home

Rocky: will I get to stay at my school?

Kylie: Yes actually and you will have a sister

Rocky: Oh do I know her?

Kylie: I am sure you do she is actually my daughter Skye

Rocky: your daughter? wait does that mean I am staying with you?

Kylie: Yes if you are okay with it I am a foster parent and I think you would be perfect for our family

Rocky: wow I don't know what to say

Kylie: say you will come with me

Rocky: yes I accept

Kylie smiled as she helped Rocky pack his things and they both said goodbye to Ryder, Skye was waiting for them and she hugged him when he came in the door.

Skye: Welcome to your new home Rocky

Rocky: thanks, wow this place is awesome

Skye: it gets better come on I will show you your room

Rocky followed Skye to his new room and he was overwhelemd you could have fit his entire house in this room. He was also surprised to see a closet full of clothes and things.

Rocky: wow this is my room? and what is all this?

Skye: This is your new wardrobe I picked it out myself, I figured you didn't have a lot and I think all this would look amazing on you

Rocky: Wow I can't  accept this

Kylie: of course you can you are a part of this family now Rocky and anything you want or need you just ask for it alright

Rocky: Are you sure I mean I don't mind having my stuff

Kylie: I am sure you help yourself to anything you need 

Rocky: Thank you so much Miss Sterling

Kylie: call me Kylie please and you are very welcome

Kylie left to go make lunch for them as Skye helped Rocky get settled, she noticed his clothes were very old and she was glad she could help him get more.

Skye: We should figure out what you are wearing to the party tonight

Rocky: party?

Skye: Yes Zuma's beach party, it is going to be awesome

Rocky: Oh I wasn't invited to that and I am not sure I want to go

Skye: Don't be ridiculous the whole school was invited, but if you don't want to go I won't force you but I think you will have fun

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