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Zuma could tell Kol was pissed off and he felt bad for him, 

Zuma: you good

Kol: fuck off

Zuma: look man its not my fault that you have to go with mom

Kol: I am not going with her

Zuma: you don't have a choice

Kol: watch me 

Zuma had no idea what his brother was going to do but he knew he would end up going in the end. 

Kol ran out of the house, I mean fine whatever he was not leaving until tomorrow and he was not Zuma's problem.

Zuma left too but he was going to hang out with his friends he just hoped his brother didn't do something stupid. 

Kol made it to Lizzie's house, she opened the door,

Lizzie: hey you okay?

Kol: no my mom is making me move to Alaska and I am pissed off

Lizzie: that sucks do you really have to go?

Kol: I am trying to get out of it but I mean I am not sure there is a lot I can do

Lizzie: I wish I could do something

Kol: I might have a plan

Lizzie: I'm not sure, I mean is it going to get me into trouble?

Kol: nope come with me?

Lizzie: Okay, Marshall I am hanging out with Kol

Marshall: okay but be careful and be back for dinner

Lizzie: okay

Kol: um not sure if you will be back for dinner Lizzie

Lizzie: what why?

Kol: I am running away and I want you to come with me

Lizzie: Kol

Kol: I know it sounds dumb but like I can't move to Alaska

Lizzie: okay but I am not sure I can run away

Kol: just hang out with me then for a bit and we can figure out a better plan

Lizzie: Okay

Kol and Lizzie walked around town and then headed up big view trail they were determined to figure out a way for Kol to stay.

Zuma made it to Ahri's place,

Ahri: hey babe

Zuma: hey

Ahri: what is wrong?

Zuma: I just feel like Kol is going to do something stupid

Ahri: so that is not your problem he is moving right?

Zuma: he has to yes but I feel like he is going to try and make it so he can stay

Ahri: well then he is your responsibility right, do you want that?

Zuma: no he is a major pain in my ass and I like not having him around, but he is dating now and I feel bad for him.

Ahri: or do you feel bad for Lizzie?

Zuma: maybe

Ahri: well whatever it may be just try not get to invovled I wouldn't mind spending time with you alone in your big house

Zuma: oh I would love that too

Ahri: great but for now we meet with our friends

Zuma: yes my lady

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