Dance off!

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Chase made it home in one piece and he was grateful, Everest hugged him as soon as he walked in the door

Everest: Where have you been? I was worried

Chase: What do you mean I was at basketball practice

Everest: Chase that ended at 4 its 530

Chase: Oh well I stopped to talk to Mrs. Jackson and then it took me 30 minutes to get home because of these damn crutches

Everest: and you didn't think to text me? wait you talked to Mrs. Jackson, Chase that is great!

Chase: Sorry I was busy and my phone died, and its really is not that big of a deal please don't make it one

Everest: I won't but I am proud of you

Everest hugged him again and Chase felt as if she was overreacting to the situation,

Everest: On a happier note Sweetie challenged Ahri to a dance off and if Ahri wins she becomes captain of the squad

Chase: and if she loses?

Everest: She won't its Ahri but if she loses then her and Skye are off the squad

Chase: and Ahri agreed to this?

Everest: and they are going to get Tracker to judge them

Chase: Why Tracker?

Everest: I don't know who cares

Chase: cool well it will be nice for Sweetie to eat her words

Everest: Exactly!

Chase sat down to do his homework and he wished he had Rocky in his back pocket and that he could just pull him out whenever. Chase finally finished just after 8 pm and he was tired but decided to watch some TV before bed.

Everest was already upstairs she was talking to Marshall on the phone and making a plan for her to meet Lizzie. Chase fell asleep on the couch and he didn't feel much like moving anyways as he heard the front door open. He sat up super fast, and it was his Aunt.

Aunt May: Sorry Chase, didn't mean to scare you, why are you on the couch?

Chase: I am to lazy to crutch my way up the stairs

Aunt May: okay do you need help?

Chase: No I can do it, night

Aunt May: Night Chase

Chase knew he needed to cut her some slack as she really was doing her best to help him and Everest and his bitterness was not towards her. Chase made it up the stairs and he was exhausted and collapsed onto his bed still fully clothed as he plugged in his phone and fell asleep.

The next morning Everest was shaking him awake,

Everest: Chase its 8:15 we need to get going

Chase groaned he really was not in the mood

Everest: Chase get up

Chase: Fine I am up

Chase rolled out of bed and changed his clothes and quickly went to the bathroom and he was out the door with Everest. Everyone was really excited to see this dance off and it was the talk of the whole school, Sweetie was definitely feeling the pressure and she was talking to her friend Jill.

Sweetie: I feel like we should up the stakes

Jill: What do you mean?

Sweetie: I mean the whole school is clearly going to be watching, I saw we let the audience judge rather than one person

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