An interesting turn of events

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Skye barely got any sleep she was so worried about her mom, like this was extremely unlike her and it scared Skye.

Rocky: it could be nothing Skye

Skye: it could also be something, what if she is hurt or worse dead

Rocky: I don't think she is plus officer Brian is looking for her, we don't know that she just left her phone at home.

Skye: She has been gone all night, if she wasn't in trouble she would have called me

Rocky: Maybe she doesn't have access to a phone

Skye: no something is wrong I can feel it

Rocky: Do you want to go look for her?

Skye: I don't know, I wouldn't know where to look

Rocky: we can start with the last place she was, do you know?

Skye: I have no clue, she doesn't tell me because its confidential

Rocky: hmm okay, I will see if I can figure it out

Skye: you mean like snoop?

Rocky: do you want to find her or not?

Skye: yes sorry go ahead

Rocky found her phone and tried to figure out who she was meeting and where her last case was,

Rocky: says she was in Foggy bottom last

Skye: I hate that town the mayor is awful

Rocky: yes but she could be there, just let me look up this address

Rocky googled the address and the two of them set out to find their mom, 

Skye: Rocky I am scared, I don't like this

Rocky: its going to be okay, I mean these people might not be so bad

Skye: if my mom is involved then its bad

Rocky: you don't have to tell me twice, but we can figure this out

Rocky knocked on the door and they waited as man came to the door,

Man: What!

Rocky: sorry to bother you sir, we are looking for our mom she was at this address last, probably helping a child

Man: I am the mayor of this town, and your mother is not here

Mayor Humdinger slammed the door on him, Rocky had chills go up his spine,

Skye: that seemed odd

Rocky: yeah maybe we should call officer Brian

Skye: good idea

Skye called Brian and he agreed to come check it out, but he also told them to go home.

Skye: what if my mom is in there,

Brian: then I will get her, but you need to go home

Skye: Brian please find her

Brian: I will Skye I promise.

Meanwhile Kylie was in a room with no door or window, there was a mattress and a bucket on the floor. There was also a young boy with her,

Kylie: how long have you lived like this?

Boy: forever

Kylie: you poor thing, what is your name honey?

Boy: I don't know he just called me boy

Kylie: I will get us out of her okay sweetie, I will figure this out

Boy: okay, but he hardly ever comes in here

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