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Everyone was finally safe on the coast guard boat and they were all worried about Chase.

Jonathan: Captain we need to go now if we want any chance at saving him

Captain: Trent lets go

Trent powered up the boat and drove full speed with the sirens on,

Skye: this bad and I am so worried

Everest: I am too he is all I have, and he will be so miserable if he loses his leg

Jonathan: he won't be losing his leg, the infection didn't turn into necrotizing fasciitis, I am more right now concerned for his fever.

Zuma: Oh man, this is all my fault

Ahri: why do you say that?

Zuma: I made him come in the water with me a bunch and that is where he caught the infection right?

Jonathan: yes and no, anything could have exposed him but given that he is the only one that is sick I am going to assume it did have something to do with the water and this cut here. I really don't think you are to blame though.

Marshall: yeah there is no sense in pointing fingers let's just concentrate on getting him better

Captain: Jonathan we will be on the beach in 5 minutes and the ambulance is waiting

Jonathan: perfect

Xayah: Everest is Chase going to be okay?

Everest: I hope so, its hard to say at this point

They made it to the beach and everyone's parents were there,

Kylie: I am so glad you two are okay

Skye: mom! 

Skye hugged her she was glad to be back but she wanted to go with Chase

Skye: mom we need to go make sure Chase is okay

Kylie okay let's go, Rocky are you good?

Rocky: I am 

Skye: Rocky saved us all he is a hero

Kylie: that's my boy

Rocky smiled he loved how much Kylie cared for him and that he had a family,

Aunt May: what is going on? Is Chase okay?

Everest: he is super sick, we don't know exactly

Aunt May: oh this poor boy has so many problems, let's go 

Xayah: are we going to make sure he is okay

Aunt May: yes sweet girl, are you okay?

Xayah: I am okay just worried for Chasey

Zuma and Kol's parents were not there  but they were able to make it home,

Zuma: thanks for everything Kol

Kol: you mean thanks for knowing how to read a map mister I am not so hot

Zuma: Shut up just a simple your welcome would have been fine

Zuma's phone rang and he answered putting it on speaker,

Lily: are you both okay?

Kol: we are good mom

Zuma: yeah we are okay, I can't say the same thing for dates sailboat though

Lyle: that doesn't matter it can be replaced but the two of you can't be

Kol: well I could do with Zuma being replaced

Lily: Kol

Kol: chill it was a joke

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